2.0 How to open a lock

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This time, as I headed back home, not only was I joined with Rich and Jake, but this time I was also in the delightful company of Jenna and Christine. We headed towards the house - the walk luckily not being too long.

As I opened the door to let us inside, Christine jumped into action - bouncing around, ready and raring to go. 

I nodded at her as she turned around to me, a questioning look on her face which so clearly meant 'can I go and find the key?'. I watched as she eagerly sprinted off in the direction of my bedroom.

The rest of us shared a quick glance between one another before walking after Christine at a much slower pace. I was curious as to where old me had hidden the key to the box, though.

We reached my bedroom just in time to see Christine balanced on the back part of my bed, bending over so that her legs were in the air. If you took away the bed, I thought to myself, she would be forced into doing a handstand - I wonder if she's a gymnast? No, probably not.

Jenna was the first to speak. "Uh- babe, not to sound rude or anything, but what the hell are you doing? Surely the guys have already looked below the bed?" She glanced at us in confirmation, to which all three of us nodded.

We'd all took turns to look under the bed several times. We hadn't found anything at all except more stray socks.

Christine huffed from her balanced position, shouting back a muffled reply. "I'm not looking underneath the bed, I'm looking at the back of the bed. He wedged it into the very back of the mattress bit you never change where there is this little tare."

"And how do you know this?" Rich asked, raising his eyebrow, even though Christine could not see it.

"Because he sent a photo to me because he was so proud of his hiding space. Completely forgot that he would therefore give it away to me, but - it's turned out for the best, hey?"

We all watched in anticipation as Christine made multiple more grunting noises as she stretched further and further down the back of the bed. We all just stood and stared - there wasn't much we could help with.

"Found it!" A muffled yell came from behind the bed, Jenna and Jake rushing forwards to help pull Christine upright and out from wedged behind the back of the bed. It took a few pulls, but eventually she managed to break free.

An excited look was on her face as she held out the small key for all of us to see. A burst of happiness exploded in my chest, making me rush forwards and pull her into a big hug.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I repeated, over and over again. Christine giggled as we pulled apart, giving me a warm and fond smile.

"It's alright Jere, I'll do anything for a friend. Maybe not jump of a cliff - no, actually, I'd do that as well." Christine told us seriously. Jenna tapped her on the shoulder.

"Please don't." Jenna smiled nervously at her.

Christine giggled at Jenna, giving her a quick peck on the cheek before turning back to the rest of us. At this moment did I also realise how I was currently so heavily fifth wheeling the small group.

"Where's the box?" Christine asked us. Rich jumped up from where he was sitting on the edge at the end of the bed.

"In here! Follow me, follow me!" Rich yelled in a announcers voice - much like one you'd hear in a circus when they say 'roll up, roll up!' I was thinking into this too much.

We all followed Rich into the kitchen, who was holding his arm up triumphantly. Christine slipped the key into my hand, giving me a knowing smile - not saying a word. It was a silent gesture, but we both knew what it meant.

This was something I had to do myself. 

We sat down together around the table, Rich pushing the box expectantly over to me. I took a deep breath, picking up the box in one  hand and the key in the other.

Who knows what could be in here - I was extremely nervous. With any luck, it could be that it didn't only trigger just one memory. Hopefully every photo or so would gift me a glance into the past.

I knew remembering myself would be a gradual process -  but I still kept a glimmer of hope that seeing this may  make everything come back to me at once.

I fitting the key nicely into the lock - slotting in with no problem, a clear sign that we had got the right key and Christine hadn't just found some random key down the back of my bed. It was a good start. I slowly turned the key, finding myself holding my breath.

With a small click, I could feel that the lid of the box had loosened ever so slightly - enough for me to flip it open. I took the key out, putting it back on the table and opening the lid of the box in anticipation.

It was in those few milliseconds of opening the box that sent waves of panic rushing down my spine. What if the photos were useless? What if nothing seemed familiar or didn't trigger any memories? What if this ended up being pointless, just a whole massive waste of time - getting my hopes up only to be greeted with nothing?

The inside of the box was neatly organised, photos in two separate piles so that they could fit in the box and a vintage circular locket without a chain next to it - that must be what was making the noise when we shook the box.

My eyes were drawn to the photos on the tops of each of piles. A strange unfamiliar rush of emotion pumped through me as I looked at them.

The first one was a selfie that'd seemed not to have been taken too long ago. I recognised the first person as being me - and I could tell it must be present day because I looked the same now as in the selfie. The other was a older-looking Michael.

We were standing in front of Buckingham Palace in London.

The second photo was a class photo taken in whatever year during high school. I recognised Rich, Jake and Michael. I glanced at two girls who looked like young versions of Christine and Jenna. I noticed Chloe, standing next too a slightly smaller girl who I guessed could be Brooke.

I didn't quite recognise some of the others, but I did see the younger version of me for the first time standing next to Michael.

Then, I felt myself suddenly lose consciousness and plumeted once more into the strange world of my memories.

My Happiest Memory  - Boyf Riends AU -Where stories live. Discover now