1.3 How to sell flowers

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I put the dream memory to the back of my mind and walked out of my house towards the flower shop. The manager there, Chloe Valentine, knew what my situation was and had agreed to give me the job.

Chloe seemed nice, I liked Chloe. 

I walked down the street calmly, it was a autumn day and I was wearing a blue cardigan with a striped top underneath. I didn't think I'd need anything else - it didn't show any signs of raining at the moment anyway.

I checked my watch - something that had survived the car crash. I was on time, which was good. I didn't want to be late on my first day.

I reached the flower shop, walking inside as my nerves sparked up. One thing I had found out about myself over the past week however was that I was an extremely anxious person.

So not the best piece of information to receive, but still, overall it was part of the bigger puzzle.

I walked into the flower shop, overwhelmed by the amount of colours that were put on display around me, it came with the comforting scent of nature which I found I so dearly loved.

I wondered through the store, staring up at all the flowers around me. It made me smile, it was one of the only things I was completely sure of, that flowers were beautiful, calmly, lovely, certain.

"Jeremy?" I jumped turning around at the voice, I was met with the soft eyes of what must be Chloe Valentine. She had a shocked look on her face.

"Shit! Knew that name seemed familiar." My heart skipped a beat. What? My name was familiar to her, did I know her before I lost my memories? I stuttered back a mess of words, none of which worked together - which she helpfully ignored, to which I was thankful.

Chloe walked towards me, holding out her hand to me. "Of course you won't remember, but I'm Chloe Valentine. We went to school together. I wasn't sure if it was you when you applied for a job as I couldn't really remember your surname, but it did seem familiar." 

"I, uh- yeah." I rubbed the back of my neck. "Thanks by the way for giving me the job."

"Ah, it's fine. Any decent person would. It looks as though you were in desperate need of one and I needed more staff anyway, so, it worked out perfectly in the end, hey?" Chloe smiled kindly at me.

She hesitated before continuing. "This might sound insensitive, but... Can you remember anything? Like, anything at all?" She asked. I sighed, shaking my head.

"My names Jeremy Heere and I'm twenty one. That's about it. The doctors told me who my parents were - ones dead, ones left and apart from that - I know nothing. They told me they'd get back to me with more though - telling me where I went too school and stuff,  but..." I trailed off, glancing at Chloe.

Chloe was beaming at me, obviously excited for what this meant for her. "So I get to tell you about yourself?" Chloe grinned. I nodded, smiling back anxiously.

Chloe clapped her hands together. "Alright, I'll tell you everything I know. Sadly specific details are limited - we were never really that close." She glanced to the door. "We can open late today, I'm sure nobody will mind." 

And with that, Chloe ran towards the door, flipping the 'open' sign to 'closed' and returned back to me, dragging me into a back room.

We sat down in chairs next to a table across from each other, Chloe handing me a steaming cup of tea. She offered me some biscuits, but I kindly refused. I wasn't hungry, I just wanted to find out more about myself.

Chloe hummed, thinking back on what must've been memories of me and highschool.

"Wow, where to begin. I'm sorry Jeremy, but now I think about it I don't remember too much, but, I can tell you the basics. Though, there are people who I've kept in touch with who were closer to you that I can get to talk to you if you want, but for now you'll have to bare with what I know." Chloe told me.

I nodded, anxious to hear what she had to tell me.

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