Baby Sister

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I hope I don't get hate for this. Anyway, I'm putting something new out there and I hope that it is given a chance. This is actually dark romance, unlike Broken Piece in my opinion, but its a bit of a ride. Anyway, I feel as if Talking Winds is quite a bit darker then Broken Piece, so be warned if you're willing to give this one a shot.

What Micah remembered most about his little sister was that she loved the water. It didn't matter if it was the ocean or a bathtub, Lilac was at home in the water. One of his earliest memories was of him not knowing what to do as his then two year old sister wailed terribly while their mother and the man she claimed was their father argued just as terribly in the background.

He had only been five, so of course he had no idea what to do with his wailing sister. But he just knew somehow that her crying was making the arguing going on out on the front porch much worse, he just knew. But he was pretty sure she was crying because they were arguing as well, and on top of that she was hungry, both of them were hungry. Momma hadn't cooked breakfast that morning or anything for lunch and dinner the day before, too caught up in worrying about where her boyfriend was to worry about feeding them.

He had tried to find her something to eat at first, searching through the fridge and even getting a chair to search through the cabinets even though Ray hated when they were in the kitchen, he thought it would be okay with both adults as distracted as they were. But the fridge was only home to Ray's favorite drink, a drink they were diffidently not allowed to touch. The cabinets only had one thing and that thing was mustard. He hated mustard.

So there had been nothing to eat. So he tried to play with her to make her stop, but she wouldn't even crack a smile at any of his usual funny faces and didn't even stop crying for a second when he pretended to smack himself like she usually went wild with giggles over.

Nothing worked, but then he realized she was smelly. He had no idea how to change a diaper, but he knew if you were stinky you were suppose to take a bath. It had been a long time since momma had given him a bath and he thought it had been just as long for Lilac.

So that was how the idea came to him. Maybe being clean would make Lilac stop crying. So he picked her up off the soiled mattress she sat on, his baby sister hardly weighed a thing, so it was no big deal for a big boy like him.

He took her to the bathroom and awkwardly placed her into the round white tub without hurting her or himself. She had sniffled then, stopping her wailing for a few seconds to look up at him with big, wet, brown eyes before starting up again.

Micah had taken a step back and hoped from one foot to another as he tried to remember how to work the water. He remembered the one with the yellow sponge thing hanging from it made the water hot hot and the other one made him so cold his teeth clinked together.

Momma always made it too hot and didn't care if he cried, but he wouldn't do that to Lili but he didn't want to make her cold either even though the house was so hot his power ranger pajamas were drenched with his sweat. So he thought maybe he could make it middle, not hot or cold.

So he started with the hot water first, knowing it took a long time for it to actually warm up and then added the cold. Lili had almost instantly stopped crying when she saw the water begin to rush from the long neck. The giggles that followed were music to his ears.

It was that day Micah discovered his sister loved water.

As they got older it became more clear from their trips to the community pool where she learned to swim so quickly he nicknamed her duck, to that one time Julio somehow stole fifteen water guns and four packs of water balloons from Toys r us and they had a huge water wars battle that went on for hours. His sister never smiled the way she did when she was around water and he loved to see it.

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