Chapter 9: "Mine!"

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I put my hands on Xavier's chest and pulled back. We take in a deep breath. A deep growl erupted from deep down in his chest.

"Mine! You are mine and only mine! Forever and always!" He yelled at me in my face.

"I know that is why I did not follow those boys. Even though like 2 of them were cute." I smirked. He looked so angry it worried me. He looked away from me. I softly place my hand on his cheek. "Hey look at me," I spoke softly. He turned his face and connected eyes with me. "Calm down ok? You are my one and only." His whole body relaxed, his eyes softened and placed his hand on top of my hand that's on his cheek. "I will forever be by your side. I love..." I closed my eyes and sighed. "I'm sorry for making you angry I should have never done that." Xavier, my lovely mate, smiled a wide smile. His dimple smile. I move my hand off of his face but Xavier still held my hand.

"Let us go meet our pack now." We walked hand in hand to his fancy cars.


We step out of the car in the middle of the big city. I got so many dirty and disgusted looks from most of the females in Xavier's pack. I keep my head down low, but then I shook my head and raised it up high. I leached on to Xavier's side. Which I could tell he liked. All the guys of the pack had their jaws dropped and most staring at my butt. I don't even have a big butt. I met the richest people of the city and left the others in the dust. It was sad really. I wanted to meet the omegas. I went from beta to omega at a really young age. I believe I was 7. 

"Xav can-" He cut me off.

"Hmm I like the sound of Xav you should say it more often, but can what?" He had a huge smirk on his face.

"Well if you would have let me finish and not cut in we would already be in the car driving to where I want to go."

"Where do you want to go babes?"

"I want to go and meet the Omegas." His jaw dropped.

"Why? They are the worst people in our pack." I shook my head and walked to the car and got in the driver's seat. The Xav gets in. "All right what did I do?"

"Well if you forgot I'm an omega." I touched my scar. "Beta to Omega." I sighed.

"Let's just get going." He got out and opened the driver's door to let me out. He walked with me to the passenger side and opened that door. I slipped into the sleek car. He walked to the driver's side and got in. He revved the engine and everyone moved out of the way. Then we started our journey to see the Omegas. 


After a long car ride filled with a thick silence. You could cut it in half with a knife. I got out and ran to the person in charge of this small town. 

"Please show me, everyone." I smiled my real smile. I rarely use it. I was so happy to be here with them. Xavier kept his distance. 

"So whats your relationship with Alpha." The man said.

"Oh he is just my cousin." I want them to treat me like a person, not their Luna. We get to a playground. 

"We are having a picnic today so everyone is here." He gestured to all the people and kids. 

"Thank you." I smiled again. I looked around and saw everyone in there warm close and the kids playing with the snow. It is just so cute. 

"Everyone please." The man yelled and everyone looked our way. "This woman is Alpha's cousin and her name is," he paused and looked at me.

"My name is Rachel."

"She wants to meet everyone so if you guys could get in line so everyone can meet her." Before people started to move I said.

"No no no I want to come to everyone. So stay where you are and I will come to meet you." They all nodded and went back to the chattering. I walk over to a group of people that look my age. A man turned around to greet me. He...

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