Chapter 7: "Hello there Luna..."

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(^Alpha  House+The Song Amber Wakes Up To^)

I wake up to a song playing softly. I keep my eyes closed until the end of the song. As the song finishes my eyes flutter open and look out the window. We were about to land. I unplugged the earbuds and wipe them off.

"Alex?" I say lightly not wanting to wake up Xavier. He pokes his head into our part of the plane.

"What?" I through the earbuds at his face. He glared and picked them up. I feel the wheels of the plane softly and safely touch the ground. There was a super strong scent filling up the plain. Almost to overpowering. New pack. Slowly I start to get used to the scent. It was not a bad smell it was like fresh rain and pine. Also a little bit of redwood. I look out the window and see everything get packed into a big van. The van pulls away a shows a new Lamborghini. 

It was beautiful

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It was beautiful. Next to it pulls up my motorcycle. I love my baby. I unbuckled my seat belt and leap out of the chair. I open the large heavy door and before the stairs were at the door I hopped down and everything began to shake. Oops. I laugh with River. I turn around and sprint to my motorcycle. The ground shakes again but I just keep running. I pulled my helmet off the handle of the bike and was about to put it on when it gets ripped out of my hands. I looked up to see an angry looking Xavier.

'Earbuds plz." He rolled his eyes and dug his big hand into the back of his jeans pocket. The same pair of earbuds were dangling in front of my face. I snatched them and plug them into my phone.

"You were trying to run away." I look up again to see this angry man that i call my mate.

"Wow, you don't trust me to do you?" I put one earbud in my ear and went on to my phone and quickly.

"What no I d-" I cut him off.

"Doesn't seem like it. You think I wanted to run away but the thing is I don't know where we even are."

"One we are in Russia and two you already tried to run away from me once. I just can't lose you."

"True but you won't lose me. I promise you that." I stuck out my pinky. He chuckled and interlocked our pinkies. "Now let's go to the alpha house so River can put on some clothes and we can meet your pack."

"My queen remember it's our pack." I nodded and snatched my helmet back. Before putting it on I picked a song and stuck it on replay. 

I pulled the helmet on and stuck my phone in my pocket. I sat on the bike and started him up. Xavier texted me the address. So I pulled out my phone one last time and went to google maps and put in the address. I shoved my phone into my pocket and pulled away. I listened to the music mixed with the google directions. I speeded down the streets loving the rush. My adrenalin was so high. So I just popped a wheelie. A red Porsche convertible filled with guys pulled up next to me.

"эй милашка ты должен следовать за нами."* I smirked and speed up. "эй давай."** The were right next to me again. I arched my back so that my butt would stick out more. I sniffed the air. Their human. I opened my visor and winked at them. Xavier would be so mad. The google lady told me to go down this dirt road to my right. I closed my visor and waved goodbye. I turned onto this dirt path that had huge redwood trees on each side of me. About 30 minutes passed and the Google lady finally told me that I have reached my destination. I looked to my right to see a huge. I pulled up to a clearing with multiple cars parked there.

'WOW, he has a lot of cars' Rivers voice boomed in my head.

'I know right. Let's go see what the inside of the house looks like' I started to jog to the front door. I opened to the door and sniffed the air. It smelled so good. A man popped out from the kitchen.

"Hello there Luna. My name is Alex I'm the guy who will take care of your needs, show you around town, be by your side, and more. So I'm your butler."

"Alex please don't call me luna call me by my first name Amber." He nodded and took my helmet out of my hands. "Do you have a family?"

"Why yes, I do. I have my mate and two kids. Alex and Sofia." He looked up at the roof dreamy. A bright smile spread across my face.

"Do you have pictures?" He pulled out his phone and began to show me his wife and kids. They seemed like such a cute family. I looked up from his phone once he was done and noticed that the house was decorated for Christmas.

"Me and the kids did this."

"Can you do me a favor?"

"Of course what is it, Amber?"

"After tomorrow I don't want to see you here until January 18th ok?"

"But Am-" I cut him off.

"No, but's that final go home right now and come back tomorrow at 12 to show me around town and maybe go shopping."

"Yes, Luna I mean Amber."

"Thank you." I opened the door for him to leave. As he walked out he turned and gave me a small wave. I waved back and shut the door. I won't be alone this Christmas. I walked you the stairs and finally found our room. My boxes were stuck in the corner of the room. I looked for Rivers boxes.

'The second one.'

'What do you mean?'

'The one that has the stupid 2 on the box.'

'Ohhhhh. Got it.' I picked up the box and put it on the bed and let River turn into himself.

*hey cutie you have to follow us

**hey come on

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