Octavia scowled at the career, raising a knife in a throwing position above her shoulder.

She heard the distant sound of someone grunting behind her, and the sound of metal hitting rock.

She spared a glance, watching Glenn and the tribute from seven- Ace, was it? They were swinging a sword at eachother, and Octavia hissed in annoyance. This was not how she expected this to go.

"This will be fun," Lindon smirked, before throwing a spear at Octavia. She narrowly moved, feeling the weapon clip her waist, only slightly but not enough to draw blood.

Octavia growled, before hurling her knife towards the neck of Lindon.

It clattered against the cornucopia- two feet away from where she intended.

"Octavia-" Alix began, but a canon cut him off.

Lindons eyes flickered to behind Octavia, and that was the only distraction necessary for her to gain an advantage over the career.

Her larger dagger in hand, Octavia charged towards the girl. Lindons eyes widened in surprise, and she wasnt quick enough to a defense up before Octavia slashed her across the abdomen, a cut but nothing deeper.

"Bitch," hissed Lindon, grabbing a arrow from the quiver that was laying on the ground not far from her cowering position.

Octavia was out of weapons, and Alix was busy deflecting Glenn's advances.

With a high-pitched screech, Lindon thrust the arrow into Octavias shoulder, the latter screaming in agony as the arrow tore through muscle and flesh.

She ripped it out as quick as it came, and went to stab Octavia through the throat.

But, Octavia was smarter, and in this case faster because her other hand was now jabbed into Lindons healing stab wound, digging and trying to weaken her in any way possible.

It was a horrible pain, one Octavia couldn't imagine.

She paused, not for any longer than a second, but in that second she remembered.

She realized that in no way could she match up against the career hand-to-hand in her current state of agony, so she had to act smarter.

She punched the girl ince for good measure, before pushing her off of herself and into the dark abyss that was the water.

And if Lindons screams of horror and torture were to say anything, Octavias theory was right.

She stood, sparing a glance into the water and seeing the fish who tore through the careers flesh.

Octavia cringed, before she looked over to Alix just in time to see him gain an edge and punch a sword through Glenns chest.

Two canons rang.

Alix looked over to Octavia, blood smeared on his face. She could only imagine what hers looked like- her hair matted, her face tired and gravely pale.

"I guess we did it," she said, closing her eyes for a moment, just a moment, to allow herself to bask in the joy of being alive, even if it were only for a second.

Alix smiled at her, it was genuine, ir was pitiful.

"I'm sorry, Tave," he sighed, before ripping the sword from Glenns corpse and throwing it at the drained girl.

It impaled her in the leg, throwing her to the ground. She cried out, yelling in pain. She begged him, for her life, for dome kind of mercy.

Alix stared down at her, frowning.

She knew this had to be the end, watching his handsome, yet arrogantly selfish face contort from one of sorrow and pity to one of joy and relief.

It was short lived- because seconds later Octavia found jerself grasping onto a spare knife that lay a foot away from her.

And without a moment's hesitation, she stabbed it into his neck.


His face fell, and he looked at her in utter shock.


A gasp escaped his lips, and she pulled the knife from his neck and mustered a sob.


A lone tear ran down his face, and blood dripped from the corner of his mouth.


A canon shook the arena as he fell onto a still injured Octavia. She pushed him aside, and cried in agony as his limp body brushed the sword still in her leg.


"Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the sixty-sixth Hunger Games, Octavia Whether!"

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