"How did he know I have a Biology paper?"

My phone lit up on the table beside me, a text from my mom telling me she picked up another night shift. I chewed my lip as I picked up my phone, Aiden and Ethan were being strange about Scott and Stiles, really strange. Aiden in particular got quite aggressive when I didn't know where they were.

I dialled Stiles number and held the phone up to my ear, Stiles answered almost instantly.


"Hi- uh- Danni, look I can't really talk right now, but are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. I need to tell you something though so can you come around to mine tonight? I can pick up some takeout?"

"Yeah of course babe, I'll see you tonight. Gotta go, love you."

"love you too."

I quickly sent my mom a text of my plans before I began writing my paper again, knowing that if
Stiles was coming over for dinner I wouldn't have much time to work on my paper at home.

There were four chased knocks at the door, and I hopped up from my seat on the sofa to answer. When I open the door, a boy called Tom was stood at the other side holding a large pizza in his hand.

"Hey Danni." Tom smiled brightly, nodding his head slightly. Tom was a senior and on the Lacrosse team with Stiles, which is how I know him.

"Hey Tom, how much is it?" I asked, reaching for my purse.

"Just $15. Stiles coming over?" Tom asked, peering slightly into my house as I handed over the money for the pizza and a few dollars extra.

"Uh yeah, should be here soon I hope." I answered, taking the pizza. "See you tomorrow, Tom." I waved before shutting the door and placing the pizza down on the kitchen counter. I looked up to the clock on the kitchen wall and saw that it was 6:15, Stiles should be here soon. I sat back down on the sofa and continued watching gossip girl on Netflix.

"Danni? Danni? Wake up sweetie." I felt my mom's hand on my shoulder as she woke me up, I glanced around warily and realised that I was laid on the sofa, the tv now switched off.

"Mom? What are you doing home so early?" I asked, confused, and my mom's eyes softened, a deep coating of sympathy over her face.

"Sweetie... It's 4am."

"What...?" I quickly grabbed my phone and sure enough the time read 4, I skimmed through my messages... Not even one was from Stiles.

"What do we do till then?" Stiles' voice flittered as he hiked his bag further up on his back, and Scott just looked at him plainly as the school bell rang out in the distance.

"What, right now? We've got English."

"You have English." I spoke, standing in front of my two closest friends causing them to halt in their path, "Stiles however, needs to have a word with me." The two boys looked to each other, confused, and Stiles tilted his head towards me.

"Why, what do you need to... oh." Stiles realised what he had done when I raised my brows at his 'almost' question, and a look of culpability immediately spread over his face. "Oh my god- Danni I'm so sorry."

"What? What's going on?" Scott asked, clearly oblivious, and I turned my head to face his way.

"Go to class Scott, you don't want to risk any more late marks, we'll be right behind you." I said, an edge still in my voice.

"Uhh, okay." It was clear Scott was beyond confused, meaning Stiles obviously hadn't mentioned that he was supposed to have been coming over to mine last night, that, or he had also forgotten. "See you then?" Scott joined the crowd of students that were going into the school, and made his way to English, while I turned and faced Stiles, who had a guilt-ridden look upon his face.

"So, care to tell me while I was still on the sofa at 4am when my mom got back from her goddamn night-shift, and you still hadn't showed up, or even bothered to send me a text to tell me you couldn't make it?!" I almost yelled but tried my hardest to keep my voice contained as I didn't want to draw any unnecessary attention to Stiles and me.

"Danni, I'm so sorry." Stiles spoke, taking a step towards me, but I only took a step backwards in return, which caused a frown to embed itself on Stiles' lips. "I just got so caught up in something else that it completely slipped my mind. I promise, I really didn't mean to." Stiles pleaded, but recently his excuses were always the same.

"What do you mean 'caught up in something else' what were you doing Stiles?" I questioned further, for once just wanting an honest answer from my boyfriend on his whereabouts.

"I was, just with Scott... we were practising, lacrosse." He strung together loosely, and I felt my heart break slightly, knowing his words were false.

"You were practising lacrosse... all night?" I tried one more time, giving Stiles the chance to tell me the truth. But of course, he didn't bite.

"Yeah, when we got back to my house we were so tired we just fell asleep, and I completely forgot to text you. I promise, I won't do it again okay?" I sighed, rubbing my forehead in defeat, knowing I would never win.


"Good." Stiles chirped, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the entrance of the school. "Now I do believe we have an English class to attend, that we might just be the slightest bit late for."


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