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We spread out,and searched for supplies and clues to our questions. We found nothing in any neighborhoods,buildings,markets or courtyards. They were all empty. There was one place left to go. The sky was pitch black, and the water reflected it. Black and foreboding. We crossed the village, and came to a crater.

Its size was remarkably small for the effect it had. We checked the bomb crater and then we checked the bomb shell. It had no more explosives in it, which relieved us. I checked inside also, just to be safe. Inside the shell was a message carved into the medal. I began to read it out loud,

This is all your fault. They couldn't defend themselves.

This is what will happen if you go to Australia.

We know who you are, and you know us.

We will not tolerate them thinking that any hope is left.

- your friends of high court the Royalties

I immediately run to a nearby building, and grab a metal rod sticking out of it. It wasn't cold or freezing, it was warm. This fire is not 50 years old. It's not even 20 years old. It happened recently. Very recently. I looked around as little details began to pop out at me. A drift of smoke, a red coal, still green grass baskets. There was people here, alive. Now they are not, and it's all my fault.

I chose to show the map.

I spread the word of a new world.

I am the one who tried to bring all of this together.

I'm the reason why this is not the thriving community it obviously once was. Its my fault, all of it. I slumped to the ground realizing what this is. I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Esma, are you alright?" Lulu asked cautiously. That's when the inevitable happened. I simply exploded. I couldn't handle it.

"It's all my fault! I saw the rebels in the ally and stole the map before the keepers could find it. I told everyone! I Told them that there was a place that was safe, but I didn't know that, I didn't know anything! I just pretended to supervise! I just wanted to leave the block! Well guess what? We did, and thanks to me this happened! I couldn't save the people who were caught trying to come with us, I couldn't save anyone who fell overboard and now," I sob, and gesture around me "I couldn't save these people. I couldn't save anyone. Oh, This is all my fault!" I wail pitifully.

"It is all your fault," Lulu starts, and I look up at her "It's your fault that we are all here. We made it this far. There has been many casualties, and bumps along the road, but we made it. We are making it. We have a chance that never happened to anyone in over 20 years, Freedom. If you want to blame yourself for all the death and problems, then at least remember the things that you helped. You might not of saved all of these people, but you saved one. We may have lost many to the sea, but what about the person you pulled away from the edge? You may blame yourself, but you stand alone on that decision. Remember, You never have to be alone. If you give an inch, they receive infinity." she stated with an encouraging voice. People begin to whisper agreement.

"You saved my daughter from falling overboard" a man speaks up.

"HEY! You are the one who brought music to my sisters wedding!" Said a voice from the crowd.

"You protected that little girl from flying shrapnel after the explosion!" another proclaimed.

"You brought me that book!"said a boy.Soon there were shouts from everyone about things I did to help.

An Inch Of InfinityWhere stories live. Discover now