Biting her tongue she decided to try and be mature about this or at least until they were back at the car where she could shout at Katie all she wanted for what she was saying.

"You're right let's not get a puppy" Ally mumbled as she began to walk again. Katie's face scrunched with confusion as she followed her wife down the street.

Was Ally really just letting this go. Katie glanced around the street expecting to be confronted by hidden cameras because there was no way did Alison Thomas just let things go especially when she was so passionate about something.

"Besides babe they are troublesome..they wee everywhere and need constant attention...I work most days and you do shift would never..."

"Katie I said you are right just drop it" Ally warned not even daring to look at her wife she felt angry and hurt.

They walked in silence side by side back to the car as Katie felt guilty, was she being too controlling.

Their marriage was perfect the way it was. They went to work together, came home and spent whatever free time they could together.

They didn't need a puppy, honestly Katie didn't like the idea of sharing Ally's attention. She knew she was being selfish but she wanted Ally to herself.

Obviously she couldn't compare herself to a dog but it was truth, Ally fussing over a four legged mut when she could be fussing over Katie instead.

"Baby" Katie said as Ally unlocked her car walking around to the drivers side.

"Don't baby me" Ally warned calmly as she climbed into the car as Katie rolled her eyes getting into the passenger seat.

"It's just a dog know it won't work with our work schedule and..."

"So does this mean you don't want any commitment with me" Ally asked curiously as Katie looked at her confused.

"Babe we are married" Katie laughed but judging by her wife's face. Katie might as well be digging herself a hole...

"Yeh but that's just two rings and a piece of paper...a dog is a big commitment...a dog leads to responsibilities and then you not want kids with that what this is about" Ally snapped as she thought about what she was saying.

"You don't want kids with me that's it" Ally said as she started the ignition causing Katie to slap her own face in frustration. Dear god this hole was getting deeper and deeper...


"You want me to cook you something" Katie asked as she emerged from their room.

Ally was sulking on the sofa as she flicked through the channels on the telly. She was frustrated.

Frustrated at Katie and at herself. Did she really want a stupid puppy. Katie was right the novelty would wear off after a few weeks and then the poor thing would be left hours on end alone because her and Katie had to work.

She still felt annoyed at Katie though, not that she was sure herself about having kids..she was only 25 and honestly she needed to used to being someone's wife first before even thinking about kids but what if she wanted kids and Katie didn't.

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