Chapter 8

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A week later, life has resumed normalcy. Red hasn't caught any whiff of any dragon creature rumors, so he assumes Cardin is keeping silent. Meanwhile, Yang found Cardin's sister, and took her aside so Red could apologize. Which wasn't awkward at all. As Yang stood on the balconie, she had a clear view of the cafeteria. Looking inside, Yang's eyes naturally drifted to land on the long luxurious locks of hair that belonged to the one and only Blake Belladonna. Yang saw that Blake was having a good time, laughing like Yang hadn't seen in a while. As a smile crept on to Yang's face, the smile froze when she saw who was making Blake laugh. It was that damned monkey boy Sun. It was always like that. Whenever Yang saw Blake having a good time, Sun was almost always the reason why. And while Yang wanted to be happy for Blake, she still couldn't help but feel jealous that she couldn't make Blake laugh like that, and that Sun was taking Blake away from Yang.

"Your eyes are red." murmured Red from inside Yangs mind. Realizing that they were indeed, Yang tried to blink it away and calm down. Failing that, Yang decided to go for a walk, possibly go punch some trees in Forever Forest. Inside the cafeteria, Weiss and Ruby watch Yang. They both look at each other and nod, deciding to try something. Grabbing Blake, they excuse themselves and pull her off to the side. While Ruby explains what going on to Blake, Weiss goes to find Yang.

Weiss easily finds Yang, and texts the location to Ruby, and then tries to stay hidden for the time being. Yang easily hears Wiess with her dragon hearing, with the clipping of Weiss heels, and the tapping of a scroll. Knowing that Weiss doesn't know about her faunus side, Yang ignores her and sits on a bench. Yang hears Weiss scroll go off, and hears Weiss walk away, well out of earshot. Inside Yang's mind. "You know they going to pull something right?" Red asks. "Uh-uh." Yang grunts. "Want me to turn off your faunus abilities while you are in your human form?" Red puts out as an option. Suspicious, Yang looks at Red. "You can do that?" Yang asks. "Of course. Anything you can do, that most other humans can't do, it's one of my abilities. Meaning I can take and give it as I please. But it does take mental energy on my side to take something away." Red states. "Well, for now, please take away your senses, and only leave me my normal human ones. And in the future, If you ever decide to take something away, please tell me first." Yang says. "Not like you could do anything about it, should I take something away." Red says. Yang nods. "I know. I would like to know and be able to prepare."

Focusing back on the real world, Yang feels the world change as Red takes away the dragon senses. From the volume lvl decreasing, to no longer being able to feel the slightest change in the wind. About 5-10 minutes later, Yang hears Weiss heels clipping against the ground as Weiss sits on the bench. As Weiss opens her mouth, Yang holds up a hand. "Before you begin, I already know y'all are going to try something. So if you wouldn't mind, text Ruby, and tell her I turned off Red's senses." Yang requests. Weiss nods, a little confused. After tapping on her scroll for a little bit, Weiss puts her scroll away. After seeing the confused look, Yang waits until Weiss is done, and then asks "Do you want an explanation now or later?" Weiss looks at the sky thinking then replies with "Later." After a few moments of silence, Yang, looking for something to say, goes with "How are you and Ruby doing?" Blushing, Weiss stammers out a "Fine." Yang just raises an eyebrow. Clearing her throat, Weiss asks "More importantly, how are you?" Yang sits back and looks at the stars. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Oh come on. Recently, you've been sullen, moody and distant. And honestly, me and Ruby are starting to get worried." Weiss states. Yang sighs "You want the truth?" Weiss replies "Duh. That's why I'm here." After thinking for a moment, Yang begins with "I think it's Blake. She's a great person and she stirs feeling inside of me that I've never felt before. Everytime I see her, I feel warm inside, but it's a different warm than from when my blood heats up. Whenever she smiles, I just want to stop and watch her smile. When she's down, I just want to pull her into a bed, and snuggle with her while scratching those cute little kitty ears of hers. And if I'm being honest, I think... I think I'm falling in love with Blake. But of course, I don't dare to tell her any of this. Especially not now." "Why not?" Weiss asks. Yang sighs and explains "Well first, she has Sun now. I've seen the way she behaves around him, and I've never been able to make her as happy as I see she is around him or bring her out of her shell that far or that fast. And second, I don't know if she feels for me the same way I feel for her."

The Faunus Who Found Each Other (BlakexYang) (No longer updating)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن