Chapter 2

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(Hey guys. I decided to post the second chapter. Hope you enjoy.  Comments, suggestions and request are always helpful and welcome.  Thanks, Mezotis.)

As Blake walks the hallways of Beacon, she couldn't stop thinking about that woman she met, Yang, even though it had been a week ago. How strange that i haven't seen her at all since then Blake thought to herself. As she started to think about the way she felt in yangs arms, she started smiling unconsciously. "If I'm not lying to myself, sitting there in her arms, not only did if feel nice and warm, but it felt right" Blake thought to herself. Unfortunately, Blake's thoughts were disrupted by the sound of snapping sticks. Blake felt her ears twitch underneath her bow and tried to control it, but failed. "Allright boys, we've been spotted." grunted a male voice from behind her. When Blake looks behind her, she sees Cardin walk out of the bushes, along with some of his lackeys. Blake watches the walk towards her, her eyes scanning everywhere. "Looking for somebody, mutt?" Cardin laughs at her. "Don't worry. Adam ain't here right now. He's off taking care of some other business. Don't worry though. He sends his regards." 

 At this point, Cardin is standing in front of Blake, and launches an uppercut straight into her gut. Blake, eyes wide open, doubles over, gasping for air. Carding stands over her, smiling. "I saw that you were smiling kitty cat. What could a filthy animal like you be happy about?" Cardin says getting angry. "Tell me." When Cardin gets no response, save for Blake's gasps of air, Cardin raises his leg, and connects a roundhouse kick solidly on Blake's face, spilling her over onto her back. As she, curls up into a ball, all 4 four of them started kicking her. Once Blake's Aura had finally given out, they each gave one more kick and left. After about a minute, Blake had managed to compose herself enough to stand. She looked down at her clothes, all beaten up and mudd. She then looked at her watch, and sighed as she saw that she didn't have enough time to go get changed.

*Time Skip: 30 mins*

Blake stumbles into class less then a 5 minutes before it was supposed to start. She immediately heads for the corner of the class that's covered in shadows and sits down. 2 minutes later, Prof. Oobleck zooms into class. He stands behind his desk, coughs once, and motions for the class to be silent. When it finally get quiet, Prof. Oobleck say "Well class, today we have a new student." At this, the entire class is abuzz with questions.

Is it a girl or a guy?

Are they hot?

What clubs are they interested in?

As soon as the class is quiet, Prof. Oobleck then looks at the door off to the side and says "Alright please come in." The door opens and in walks the new student. Blake, however, is trying to get some rest when a strange yet familiar scent starts tickling her nose. Blake tries to clear the fog from her head and focus on the new student. Once she finally succeeds, she realizes that it is indeed the woman she met, Yang. At the same time, she also realizes that she missed some of Yangs introduction. At this point though, the fog has come back, and Blake can hear nothing so she lays her head back down to rest. Then Blake see's the teacher point towards Blake's section of seating and that Yang has started making her way towards it. Some whispers start making it into Blake's ears, but due to the fog, she easily tunes them out, and tries to focus on what the teacher is saying. Luckily, Blake was able to focus almost all class long. When the bell rang, dismissing class, Blake was the first one out the door. Hoping to make it to her room, Blakes begins the long journey, only for her to black out moments after exiting the classroom. 

(Hey guys.  I decided to post the second chapter.  Hope you enjoy.

The Faunus Who Found Each Other (BlakexYang) (No longer updating)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ