Chapter 6

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As everybody stared at Yang, she starts glowing, her eyes turning blood red. Yang's skin ripples, and to those looking at her, it looks as if her skin is flipping, revealing and being replaced by the scales underneath. At the same time, a snout emerges from Yang's face and horns extend from beside and on top of her head. A tail also appears from behind Yang. With all of this happening, the shirt seems to melt into Yang's scales, as do the shoes but the pants seem to expand to fit the increased body size. To those watching it for the first time, the transformation seems to take about 2-3 minutes while in reality, it took less than 30 seconds. Once done with the transformation, having gone from a 5 foot 6 girl to a 6 foot 5 creature, it began to stretch, as if it hadn't been able to for a long time. 

(Authors note: This is what Red looks like

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(Authors note: This is what Red looks like.  Just make his scales red, and add wings.)

Everyone waits in shocked silence, none of them knowing what to do next. While stretching, the creature moans "Ahh that feels good. Why don't you let me out more?" to nobody in particular. The creature sighs "Yes, yes, I DO remember the Inn. While you do have a point, that inn was asking for it. Plus, I've learned."

Done stretching, the creature spins around to face Blake and exclaims "Ah there's the fair lady. You must be the Blake Belladonna Yang keeps talking about." in a deep, powerful and clearly male voice. Blushing furiously, Blake manages to squeak out a hi. "For now, you may address me as Red. And as much as I would love to stay and chat, there are some buffoon's that need taking care of." Red mutters as he takes a dramatic bow. Still in the bow, Red holds up 5 fingers, each going down one after another. When the final finger closes, a clearly angry voice demands "And who the hell are you?" While still in the bow, Red spins to face Adam, coming out of the bow at the same time. "I am known by many names. And if you were a gentlemen, I might be inclined to give you some of them. But I see no gentlemen. Also, do you know how to be patient and wait for a man to be done with his business?" Red states, sounding more than a little annoyed. Suddenly, Red starts snorting like an angry bull. "The hell do you mean I can't beat them within an inch of their lives! You know what they did to Blake." Red shouts to the empty air. After a few moments, Red looks like he has calmed down. "While I don't believe he would ever actually do that, you bring up a good point." Red mutters softly, Blake's ears catching it.

Looking up and smiling brightly, Red puts a hand in the air, and goes "Now thats out of the way, why don't we get down to business, eh? I have my silver platter ready." he makes a motion with his other free hand as if to make it obvious. "Now who wants to get their ass handed to themselves on it?" Adams group advances until they are about 5-7 feet from Red. Taking a threatening step forward, Adam glares at Red and shouts "Your going to regret protecting the Faunus girl. Get him boys!" Only 2 out of the 10 lackeys rush Red without hesitation. Wielding knives, they both thrust when they reach Red. Seeing it coming, Red plants his tail firmly in the ground, and rolls backward on it. As Red rolls backward, his hands placed on the ground, Red's clawed feet catch the 2 by wrist, squeezing hard enough to cut off almost all blood flow in their wrists. As Red's feet go up, so do to the assailants, their momentum carrying them over Red. Without missing a beat, Red continues his roll, using tail to flip those 2 onto their backs, and finishes standing on top of them. Letting go of them, Red steps off of them, looks down and laughs "Well it would seem that these 2 got their silver platter first."

With that, the rest of them charged. Smiling, Red waits for some of them to get close before moving. One second Red was standing in place, the next Red was in between 2 of the ambushers, punching one of them in the chest and striking the other with a flat palm on his chin. The lackey that got punched was sent flying straight into a tree, hitting it so hard his aura disappeared as sticks, leaves, and pinecones rained down on him. At the same time, the other one was launched upwards, easily clearing the roof of some nearby buildings. Coming down, he hit the dirt hard enough to create a pothole which inevitably shattered his aura. Pausing, Red took a look at the 2 he had hit and nodded in appreciation, seeing that they were both unconscious with no more protective aura's. Grinning from ear to ear, Red looked back up and moved on to deal with the rest.

As Red began tearing through Adam's lackeys like a blender goes through berries, Adam could only watch in horror. Desperate, Adam gives a signal to one of the lackeys, to which she nods. Skirting the ongoing 'battle', the lackey starts sneaking up on Blake. Seeing his lackey doing her job, Adam struts forward to distract Red. "Alright that's enough!" Adam shouts. As Red turns to the shout, he smacks a lackey in the chest with his tail, sending him flying. "Ohhh? The leaders wants his turn now? And here I was, hoping to save you for last." Red smirks. Looking at Red, Adam nods "I think it's about time I show you your place beast." Seeing the nod, the lackey behind Blake starts moving in. As Red and Adam stare at each other, Red's image wavers. Startled, Adam hears Blake shriek. Looking past Red, Adam can't believe his eyes. Standing right behind his lackey is another Red.

Inside Red's head. "You know their going to try and do something to Blake right? And are currently in the process of going through with it?" Yang asks nervously. Calmly, Red replies "Yes I do know." "Then when are you going to do something about it?" Yang shouts. "Once they actually begin to do something." Red sighs. "Which would be just about now.

Moving fast enough to create an afterimage, Red appears behind the lackey and hisses "And just what exactly do you think your doing?" The sudden appearance of Red behind them, along with the hissed words, scared Blake, causing her to shriek. As she shrieked, Blake jumped and turned around just in time to see Red connect a haymaker on the lackeys ribs, hitting her so hard she was blown clear through 2 trees, hit the dirt, and rolled for a good 15 additional feet. Looking at Blake, Red asks "Are you okay? They didn't hurt you or anything did they?" concern and rage clearly written on his face. Blake shakes her head saying "No, no, I'm alright." Red smiles as he puts his clawed hand on top of Blake's head, giving her a gentle rub. Removing his hand, Red walks forward to deal with the rest.

By now, there are only 3 left standing. "I really suggest taking a look at that one. I might have hit her a little too hard. Also, did you really expect that to work?" Red shouts. Letting out a scream of rage, Adam motions for his last 2 lackeys to and get her, and puts his hand on his sword. "Fine. You win this one. But let me leave you with a taste of what I'm capable of." Adam says, his voice full of venom. Crouching, Adam begins to glow red. Blake recognizes what is coming, and screams for Red to dodge, moving herself out of the way. Adam draws his sword in a slicing motion, sending out a red energy wave that crackled with power and malevolence. Reaching Red, he simply swats it out of his way, sending is skyward.

With the disappearance of the red wave, it would seem as if all of them had left. Looking around, Red doesn't see Blake anywhere, so he begins searching. Quickly finding her hiding behind a bush, Red offers Blake his hand, which she gratefully takes. As Blake tries to stand, her knees begin to violently shake. Noticing this, as well as how moist Blake's eyes seemed to be, Red picks Blake up bridal style. "Shhhh. It's alright now." Red whispers, trying to soothe Blake. At the sound of his voice, Blake closes her eyes, wraps her arms around Reds neck and begins to cry in earnest, her body shaking from the terror of Adam's energy wave. Seeing the state that Blake was in, Red flapped his wings and began flying the both of them to their dorm. As Red flew, Blake cried herself to sleep. Arriving, Red went through the window. Laying Blake on her bed, Red went to stand back up, only to realize that Blake still hadn't let go. Feeling Yang smiling inside his head, Red thought Alright I'm gonna go take a nap. You can take control. As Yang took control, she could feel her body changing from Red's form to Yang's form.

As Yang was transforming, she climbed into bed with Blake. Pulling the blanket up around them, Yang lay on her back. Pulling out her scroll, Yang saw that it was Saturday, so she decided to take a short nap. 

(Hey guys, Mez here.  Kudos to those of you who can spot the reference I made.  Tell me in the comments what you think it is.  As always, thanks for reading.  All comments and suggestions are greatly appreciated, as are requests to what you would like to see me write.  Ch 7 should go up in about a week or so I hope you look forward to it as much as I do.)

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