Chapter 3

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After Yang had introduced herself to the class, Prof. Oobleck had told her to sit next to Blake Belladonna, and pointed to where Blake was hiding. Of course, I had nodded and marched my way up there ignoring all of the rude remarks made at Blake's expense. Secretly, Yang had wanted to talk to Blake. But after noticing how Blake had been ignoring her, Yang decided to follow suit and focused as well as she could on the class. When the bell had rang, Yang had seen Blake dart out and had planned on following her, when she was stopped. "OH MY GOD. Is that you Yang?" a high pitched voice squealed from behind her. Yang turned around to see that she did indeed know that voice. "Hello there Rebecca." Yang sighs. "Awww, Come on. Don't treat me like that." Rebecca Replied with pouty eyes and lips. "So. Is it safe to assume your joining the Dance Club here?" "I honestly don't know yet. Give me some time, I'll think about it." Yang says as she pushes her way past and into the corridor.

Yang exits the door just in time to see Blake stumble and collapse. "Blake. Blake! BLAKE!" Yang shouts as she dashes forwards, barely making it in time to make sure Blake's skull didn't crack against the floor. Once Yang notices that Blake's unconscious, Yang picks her up bridal style, looks over to some of the students exiting the classroom and asks them where the Nurses office was. Every single student looked at her with disgust in their eyes. Yang was getting madder and madder, to the point where she was starting to glow, her eyes turning blood red and pouring out waves of heat. When Yang heard a student remark "Why should we care? She's just a mangy faunus. Find it yourself." she snapped. Identifying the student who said that, in the blink of an eye, Yang was face to face with the student. Seeing only red, Yang hissed out "Say another word about her, and I will make sure you don't live to see the next day. Now give me the directions to the Nurses office."

The student practically screamed out the directions and Yang was gone before most could even see her react. Arriving at the Nurses office, Yang shouldered her way inside, dropping Blake at one of the beds. The Nurse on duty, quickly and calmly explained the situation, and began asking Yang questions. "What is your relation to Blake? What did Yang see? Does Yang have any other information?" Yang answered all questions as honestly as possibly. After asking her questions, the nurse took a measure of Blake temperature, her heart rate and other things that Yang didn't understand. After all of this, the nurse went to her desk and called Ozpin. Minutes later, Ozpin arrives as does Glynda. Immediately, the nurse tells Ozpin everything she knows. Glynda pats the nurses shoulder and thanks her for calling them while Ozpin walks forward towards the pair. "You must be Yang Xiao Long. Thank you for bringing Blake here." Ozpin says, looking Yang up and down. "Do I know you from somewhere Miss?" "Possibly. My dads Taiyang and my mother is Raven." Yang replies. "Ahh. That might explain it then." Ozpin mumbles, waving his hand in a dismissal gesture as he walks up and examines Blake.

"So what do you know about these injuries?" Ozpin asks, looking straight into Yangs eyes. "I don't know sir. I got out of class and saw that Blake had collapsed." Yang replies, looking only at Blake. Just thinking about the events caused Yangs eyes to start shifting to blood red. "Would you like to know?" Ozpin asks simply, earning a gasp and a slight smack from Glynda. "That is not our place to tell." "Yes, but either way, she'll find out."Ozpin replies as he turns to look at Glynda. "I think i have a pretty good idea already sir, but yes I would like to know." Yang says, her eyes switching instantly back to pure lilac, watching as Ozpin nods. With his free hand, Ozpin reaches up and takes off the bow, revealing cat ears.

After taking the bow off, Ozpin lays it down on top Blakes stomach. "The reason for all of the mistreatment Blake gets is because of the fact that she is a faunus." Ozpin sighs, watching Yangs reaction. "That's some bullshit." Yang spits out, her eyes pure crimson. "All of these injuries, all of this hate, just because she's a little different!?" Yang begins to rant, working herself up into a fury. As she continues to rant, Yang starts pacing, her entire body now glowing as if it was on fire, pouring off more heat than the sun does during the summer. Watching this, Ozpin and Glynda both look at each, wondering the same thing. Red eyes, Glowing as if on fire. Could it be possible? Ozpin looks back at Yang and says "Well I'm glad to see somebody who isn't as willfully ignorant as some other people." Hearing this, Yang begins calming down. Yang looks at Blake, seeming to be thinking. Yang then looks back up at Ozpin and says "You still looking for a room for me? If so, I think I would like to place in Blake's dorm." Ozpin only smiles and says "Very well then." A few moments pass in silence until Blake starts screaming.

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