"I need to talk to you," I say calmly. He frowns at this, eyebrows knit, lips slightly pouted, "Why?" he asks, tone full of attitude.

I look at the floor, "please, it won't take too long." He glances at the parking lot before facing me and nice again. "If your just going to tell me a bunch of shit again, like you always do, then save it. I'm done being pushed around by you," he spits, venom in his voice.

Guilt consumes me and I feel a pain in my chest, shaking my head at him, "No! That's actually what I wanted to talk about. . ." I trail off, unsure of how to continue. He stares me down, waiting for me to continue. Anxiously, I meet his gaze and we stand like that for a few seconds. Jisung raises a brow in question, as if he's thinking 'why is he being so quiet?' and I get even more nervous. As I open my mouth to speak, someone's yelling interrupts and we both turn to the left to see who.

"Jisung!" Chenle calls him over, frantically waving his hands to get his attention. Jisung sighs and looks back at me, "I'm gonna go, since you're not talking. Uh, yeah, bye." Before I can stop him, he runs over to Chenle. I watch as he wraps and arm around the smaller boy's shoulders and they walk to the parking lot. I sigh, Yuta's gonna be upset, damn. I stuff my hands in my pockets and walk to Yuta's car, dreading having to explain what just happened.

Upon arriving, I open the car door, the first thing to greet me is Yuta's healing smile, which helps lift my mood a little.

"Hey, how was your day?"

"Uh, alright I guess. What about you?" I respond.

"Good, except Jikyung stole my fucking pen. My favorite pen! Can you believe that? And then she claims it's hers and gets Ten to get on her side. Next thing I know, they're both calling me a liar and dissing my hair, which didn't even have anything to do with the situation." He shrugs, "whatever, I'll get her back tomorrow at lunch. Oh yeah, how'd it go with Jisung?"

"Uh, well, I uh, I did talk to him." I say, hesitantly.

"And?" He asks eagerly.

"Uh. . . you know I didn't actually get to the whole 'sorry' part. . ."

Yuta looks confused, "So you talked to him, but you didn't apologize? Why not?"

"Well, when I tried in the morning, I kinda snapped at him, but I didn't mean to! I was just in a bad mood and he said something that triggered me." Yuta sighs, running a hand through his hair. "Then I tried after school just now."

He looks at me, "And how did that go?"

I gulp before answering him, "I kinda froze," I scratch the back of my head with my hand, "That and, Chenle interrupted me, but mostly I froze."

He is quiet for a while, then he nods his head. "Ok," he starts, "I know what to do." He starts the car and begins backing out while I wait for him to continue, but I guess Yuta won't be doing so, as he just focuses on driving after that. "What is it? What do I do? Yuta?" I continue to pester him with questions like this, but he just shakes his head with a "you'll see" and that's it. I sigh for what seems like the hundredth time today. Upon arriving home, Yuta motions for me to follow him to his room, telling me that he'll explain his plan in there. I nod and follow.

We jump on the bed, facing each other in an upright position and he pulls out his phone, proceeding to text someone while I wait.

"So, what's your oh so genius plan?" I question.

"Ok, here's what we'll do. . ."

. . .

The next day~

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