11. Parents are the worst

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*A/n* - WARNING. Small mention of Self-Harm. 



"(Y/n)!" Your mother shouted at you. "I don't care anymore!" You looked at her and gave a small laugh. "Anymore? That's a joke because you never did." You replied. There was a few moments of silence before she turned to you and said; "Get out." 

"Gladly." You said, turning around and slamming the door behind you. You were heading down the street when you heard the front door open and your mother shout something but you were too focused on trying to get away to hear what she was saying. This isn't the first time that this had happened and you knew that it probably wouldn't be the last. You and your parents, especially you and your mother, had never seen eye to eye. You had always felt like such a disappointment to them. When you turned the corner it hit you at what had just happened and tears started to stream down your face. You didn't know what to do so you went to the only place you knew would take you in at this moment; your boyfriend Jeremy's house. 

You practically ran to his house and knocked on the door, praying that he was in. When he opened the door, you threw your arms around his neck and sobbed into his shoulder. "(Y/n)? Baby, what happened?" He asked, concern coursing through his voice. 

"She kicked me out." You explained, still crying. 

"Oh, baby." He said comforting you. "Come in and I'll make you some tea." (*A/n* - This is honesty the way to my heart. Let me know in the comments what type of tea you like; normal? Herbal? Do you not like tea? 👇👇). He sat next to you on the sofa and wrapped his arm around you and your head rested on his shoulder. "Parents are the worst." He stated as he wiped away your tears and kissed the top of your head. "They don't deserve you and they sure as hell don't appreciate you. Did you do it again?" He asked, placing his hand gently on your arm. You gave a small nod. "I tried not to Jeremy and I was doing so well but then things got bad again and I didn't know what to do..." You were getting worked up again and Jeremy tried to bring you back down again. "It's okay." He reassured you. "Look, we all have our ways of coping and this is yours. You've acknowledged that it's not always the best thing but it helps you in the moment and I respect that. What's important is that you tried to stop and you did for a bit - that's a start." He said, running his fingers through your hair. "What we need to do is find other ways of coping because it hurts me to see you hurting yourself. I love you (Y/n)." 

"I love you too Jeremy." You said. "I'm so sorry."

"(Y/n). Please don't ever apologise to me." He kissed you. "Everything is going to be okay, I promise you. We'll work this out."


*A/n* - I'm not sure what I think about this one. 

Like I said, please message me if you need anything. I am always here for you guys x

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