Imagine - Chris Evans

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*In this imagine, you have starred alongside your husband, Chris, in his show 'Defending Jacob' and you've both been nominated for an award. It's a little bit of a different one because it is in an interview format, so please let me know what you think of it!*


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{Award Show interview}

You were on the red carpet with your husband, Chris. The pair of you had been nominated for some awards tonight for your work in your drama series, Defending Jacob, where you play a married couple, whose lives have been turned upside down when your son is accused of murdering a fellow student at this school. Chris had been very excited when he discovered that both of you had been nominated for your work on the show. It was always incredibly exciting when you were able to work together. Now, on the infamous red carpet, you and Chris had stopped to take pictures and the whole time, his arm was wrapped around your waist and he holding you close to him. The two of you had been collared over to do some interviews; you were stood next to him being interviewed but you could hear everything that he had to say:

Interviewer: Chris! It's so great to see you here tonight, and I am over the moon to see that both you and your fabulous partner, (Y/n) have been nominated for your work on your new drama series 'Defending Jacob'. I watched the entire show in one sitting! I absolutely loved it. What was it like for you, to play a character like Andy?

Chris: Well, thank you very much! Playing Andy was a nice change of pace, compared to what I am probably more used to, with Captain America. You know, Andy is a hard-working lawyer, he's a family man who will go to great lengths to provide for his family, and eventually, he will go to great lengths to prove his son's innocence. However, in the midst of all that, he has to face up to his own past but all of this will inevitably put his marriage on the line.

Interviewer: Speaking of marriage, what is it like working with (Y/n), who is obviously your real-life partner? 

Chris: Oh, it was absolutely incredible! We, obviously, get on so well together because we are married but (Y/n) is an incredible human being, and incredible when it comes to the craft that is acting. I know I'm biased *laughs, placing his hand on his chest* It's a very wonderful thing if you can turn up to work every day and work with your best friend. (Y/n)'s performance and, frankly, dedication to the show, have been absolutely breathtaking to watch.

Interviewer: Amazing. As I said, I watched the show in one sitting. What can viewers expect from the show?

Chris: What can viewers expect from the show? Well, they can definitely expect a good mystery from this show. It will leave you questioning your own beliefs but it will leave you on the edge of your seat and desperate for answers. At the same time, I think it might even break your heart in places and leave you speechless. Well, that's what I hope anyway. *Laughs*

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