3. Meet

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*A/n* - (J/R/F) - Jeremy Renner Film. I couldn't decide which film of his to use, so I've decided to let you choose your favourite. Let me know in the comments which one you choose!

*Also, this chapter is probably going to be short. Sorry about that!



It was your first day on set of your new film (J/R/F). You were in your trailer, reading the script once more to know your lines. The director had called you yesterday to tell you that he would be coming to your trailer at some point before you got chance to meet all of the crew. He was bringing the actor that you would be working alongside for the film. You hadn't had chance to meet him yet because both of you had had extremely busy schedules. 

As you were reading your lines, someone knocked on the door of your trailer. You got up and opened to, only to be greeted by the director. "(Y/n)!" He smiled, as you invited him in. "It's great to see you again. How are you?" 

"I'm great." You replied. "How are you?"

"Wonderful. I cannot wait for the filming to begin tomorrow." He stated as someone else knocked at the door. "That'll be Jeremy." He exclaimed, running to the door. "Jeremy!" He said, opening it. "Come on in."

You watched as a man came through the door and stood next to the director.  "(Y/n). This is Jeremy." The Director said, pointing at the man that was stood next to him. "Jeremy, this is (Y/n). You two will be working together a lot for the next six months.  I'll leave you two to get to know each other." With that the director left and closed the door behind him. Jeremy shook your hand.  As you began talking about the script, the story, and eventually about life in general. "Hey, do you maybe want to meet up sometime and go through the script together?" He asked, making you blush slightly. "Sure. That'd be great." You said as he pulled out his phone and asked you to put your number in it. You gave him your phone as you swapped numbers.When you handed him back his phone, he winked at you and told you how nice it was to meet you and how much fun it was going to be working together. 


*A/n* - 

Not sure about this one. 

Either way I hope you enjoyed.

DM's are always open if you need someone to talk to. 

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