14. Wish that you were mine

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(H/G/n) - His girlfriend's name - Wasn't sure what name to pick so I'll leave it to you guys to give her a name of someone you really hate!

Enjoy x


You looked around the room but couldn't see Jeremy anywhere. It was brother's birthday and you and your family and friends had gone out for the night. Jeremy was one of his best friends, not to mention on of yours. You and him hit it off right away when you were first introduced to each other years ago. He was one of a kind and the type of person you could tell all of your secrets too and he would take them to the grave. There was only one problem and that was that you were in love with him and had been for as long as you could remember but had never really had any courage to tell him or ask him out.

Deep down, you knew that he could never look at you in the same way as you looked at him. Your brother had no idea, you had done very well at keeping it a secret for so long.

"You okay sis?" Your brother asked you as he saw you looking around.

"Yeah." You replied, smiling. "Did you see where Jeremy went?" You asked.

"He went to see (H/G/n). She's outside apparently." He told you. (H/G/n) had been Jeremy's girlfriend for the past year and a half. You didn't really like her that much but you never really needed to spend that much time with her, so you were grateful for that. You didn't want to get in the way of Jeremy's happiness so you left them to it. "Oh." You said, "I didn't know she was coming out tonight."

"She wasn't but according to Jeremy, they need to talk or something..."He said, "Sounds serious. He could be proposing!" Your brother laughed. Instead of replying you gave a small laugh and decided to step away from the table for a minute. You decided to go into the garden of the restaurant you were at, luckily for you no-one else was there; he must have met (H/G/n) at the entrance. You sat on the steps and cried. Obviously, you knew that if a proposal did happen you would have to be happy for the two of them, as hard as it would be.

"(Y/n)?" You heard a voice, it was Jeremy's. He came and sat down next to you as he saw you were crying. "Hey, what's wrong?" He pulled you into a hug but you shook your hug.

"It's nothing, it's just...." You stopped. "Fuck it. I'm just gonna come out and say it." He looked at you. "Jeremy, I have been in love with you for as long as I can remember and it's so painful because you have no idea and that is so hard. I just, very selfishly, wish that you were mine." You looked at him waiting for an answer, which is when it hit you and you realised what you had just told him. Your eyes widened. "Jeremy, I'm so sorry." You stuttered as he firmly pressed his lips against you. "I wish you were mine." He repeated your words as he stood and held his hand out for you to take. You did and he pulled you close to him. "I broke up with (H/G/n) because I'm crazy about you and you're all I can think about." You kissed him once more before he said; "Shall we go back in there?" You nodded as he gripped hold of you hand and you walked back inside.

You got the guy... 

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