Lizzie's Guide To Taking Exams

Start from the beginning

"ACTION!" Lizzie yells.

"Hey guys, are you stressed out by finals? Well I'm here to give you a guide on how to study before your exams!" Tina starts. "Step one, make sure you study in increments..."

Tina was cut off by Danny and Dave walking in, talking loudly, causing Unicorn to drop the boom mic, and Ryan to jump, jostling the camera around.

"CUT!" Lizzie yells. "Kat! You're suppose to make sure noise stays out! Dave! Danny! What do you need?" Lizzie exclaims.

"Oh sorry, we were just wondering how filming is going. We need the footage within an hour and-" Dave says.

"I KNOW!" Lizzie interrupts.

"Hey hon, let's take a walk." Cookie suggests, putting a hand on Lizzie's shoulder. "Take 5 everyone. 5 minutes!"

"Thank you, five minutes." Everyone says in unison.

Cookie leads Lizzie to another class room.

"You okay?" Cookie asks.

"No... This project means a lot to me, and it's just like... no one is paying attention."

"Well, maybe you should try putting the right people in the right places?" Cookie suggests.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you let everyone do what they wanted to do, not what they were good at right? It's finding a balance. For instance, Tina is a great actor and leader, so she could be on stage. Kat shouldn't be keeping others quiet, because she can't be loud or assertive. Ryan would be a better pick for that. Goldy isn't good at following directions, but she is good at helping everyone, so she could be a runner, getting people what they need. Kat is super careful, so she would be good at the sound, and Unicorn has good attention to details, so he could do the camera well." Cookie explains.

"Oh." Lizzie nods.

"You see, you just need to put people where they are good at." Cookie finishes.

"Let's go back, I know what to do." Lizzie says determined.

"Okay, let's do it." Cookie smiles.

"Alright people!" Lizzie exclaims waking back into the room. "Unicorn, you're on camera! Ryan, you're on set management! Kat, you are on sound. Tina, you're on stage. Goldy! You are our runner. Let's do this, we have like 45 minutes! Places!"

Everyone rushes to their new positions. "Action!"

""Hey guys, are you stressed out by finals? Well I'm here to give you a guide on how to study before your exams!" Tina starts. "Step one, make sure you study in increments, don't expect to be able to study everything the night before and retain all you studied. Study for 20 to 40 minute increments, taking breaks in between to get something to eat, or watch a single episode of T.V., just don't get carried away."

"Step two, make sure you sleep enough. If you don't sleep, your brain won't be able to remember any of what you studied, and then what's the point?!"

"Step three, on the day of your exams, make sure you eat a good breakfast, set yourself up for success!"

"Step four, if you don't remember the answer to a question, mark it for later and come back. You don't wanna miss out on answering questions you DO know because you are stuck on one you DON'T know."

"Step five, make sure every question is answered. Even if you don't know the answer, if you don't put an answer you are definitely going to get it wrong. Putting an answer there at least gives you a chance of getting it right, which is better than no chance."

"Step six, try not to stress yourself out too much. If you can keep a steady head, you have a much better chance of remembering what you have learned this year."

"You are gonna do great you guys, I believe in you, your friends believe in you, your parents believe in you, and your teachers believe in you. You've got this! Don't stress out and you are gonna do great! And remember, summer is just around the corner! See you then!"

"And cut!" Lizzie says happily. "That's a rap! Good work everyone! Let's get this footage over to Tony and his guys!"

"Wahoo!" Everyone is in celebration.

"Good work. You are a great director." Cookie says to Lizzie as the two watch everyone celebrate, amusement on their faces.

"Thanks, you're a great councilor."

"I prefer the word "friend"." Cookie laughs. The two girls hug.

"Thank you, Cookie."

"Any time." Cookie smiles.

It's almost the end of the school year people! This idea came to me in my math class, and I was like "Guess I'm writing this now while I have the idea." I'm glad this idea popped into my head because I've been struggling with writer's block a bit. I hope you enjoyed it, and really guys, try not to stress over exams, it only decreases your performance on them if you stress over them. Well I'll see you later Dragons Fans! Peace!

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