Chapter 7

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We spent some time on the road, I was exhausted, and I was beyond pissed at these agents for attacking someone that wasn't even fighting back. When we came to a stop we are at the Hover Dam, why we are here I don't have a clue. We all get out of the car and walk over to where Simmons and some other guy is standing. "Hi kid." He greets with a blank face, "if your trying to make things right, it's to late for that." I tell him with irritation in my voice. "Hey we got off on the wrong foot, would you like anything to eat?" He asks trying to act like he cares about my well being. "Where is my car?" Sam asks standing next to me with a angry look.

"Listen to me very carefully, people can die here. We need to know everything you know, and we need to know it now." The man next to Simmons tells Sam with a calm tone. "Ok, but first I'll take my car, my parents, you should write that down." Sam says to Simmons with a small smirk. "Oh and her record, that needs to be gone, like forever." Sam continues trying to stand up for Mikaela. "Come with me, we'll walk about your car." The man says walking away, I look at Sam and see a satisfied smirk on his face. "Nice work Sam." I complement him while following Simmons and the other guy. "Thanks, just doing what is right." He replies with the same smirk as earlier. 

After walking for a few minutes, some military men join us in the walk to, who knows where. "Alright here's the situation, avoid all contact with all N.B.E's." Simmons orders with the military men around us, "N.B.E's?" The black military officer asks, "Non Biological Extraterrestrial's try and keep up with the acronyms." Simmons answers looking over his shoulder at him.
After more walking we start to walk through a tunnel, which is kind of cool. "What you are about to see, is highly classified." Simmons explains to everyone as we walk into a gigantic room with a transformer in the middle of it. 

'That must be Megatron.' I think to myself walking between Sam and Mikaela. "Dear god what is that?" The old man in the fancy suit asks. "We think, when he made his approach over the North Pole, our gravitational pull, might have screwed up his systems." Simmons explains to us looking up at the robot with fascination. "He crashed in the ice probably a few thousand years ago. We shipped him here to this facility in 1934." He continues looking over his shoulder at everyone. "Calling him N.B.E 1. Simmons finishes looking at the robot with a curious look. "I don't mean to ruin your 'big accomplishment', but that.... that is Megatron. Leader of the Decepticons." I state looking at the robot with a angry look.

"He's been in cryostasis since 1935. your great great grandfather, made one of the greatest discoveries in the history of man kind." The 40 year old man explains to Sam. "The fact is your looking at the source of the modern age, microchips, lasers, space flight cars, all reversed engineered." Simmons informs us looking back at Megatron. "By studying him, N.B.E 1. That's what we call him." Simmons continues saying the last bit in Sam's face. "And you didn't think that the United States military might need to know that your keeping a hostile frozen in ice in the basement?" The old looking man asks. "Until these events, we had no credible threat to national security." Tom tells the Secretary looking him in the eyes. (I'm just going to use their names, cause it is getting a little confusing XD)

"Well you got one now." Kellen informs Tom walking slowly over to Megatron. "Why earth?" The Sargent asks out of curiosity. "He was looking for the all-spark." I tell everyone looking at every detail of Megatron. "All-spark? What is that?" Kellen asks looking at me with a curious look. "They came her looking for a cube looking object, N.B.E 1 here, AKA, Megatron, is the bringer of death and wants to use the Cubes power to transform human technology  to take over the universe. That's the Decepticons plans." I tell everyone not once taking my eye's off of Megatron.

I just get the feeling he is watching everything around him. "You sure about that?" Simmons asks with a look that says 'I don't believe you'. "Yea. You guys know where it is don't you?" Sam asks looking over at the two sector seven agents. "Follow me." Tom says walking between me and Sam. "Look's like we are starting to change their minds about this whole thing." I whisper to Sam and Mikaela. "Let's just hope your right." Sam replies looking strait ahead.

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