Chapter 1

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It's a beautiful day outside, birds are singing, flowers are blooming, but I'm stuck in school so I can't enjoy it. Today in school we had to do a genealogy report, I did mine first just so I could get it out of the way. "Mr. Witwickey, your up." Our teacher calls Sam to the front of the room. "So for my-" Sam started to speak but was cut off by a rubber band hitting him in the face. I bit my lips to hold back my laughter. 

"Who did... who did that? People! Responsibility!" The teacher scolds us for our childish behavior, the teacher signals Sam to start again. "Ok, so for my genealogy report, I decided to do it on my great great grandfather, who was a famous man. Captain Archibald Witwickey, Very famous explorer, in fact he was one of the first men to explore the arctic circle." Sam informs us while showing us a map of the arctic circle. 

I tilt my head to the side a little, 'this is slightly interesting.' I think to my self while listening to Sam's presentation. "In 1897, he took 41 brave sailors straight into the arctic shelf." Sam continues while pointing around the arctic circle. "SO that's the story right? Here we have some basic instruments and tools used by 19th century seamen." Sam says while rummaging through his messy pile of sailor equipment. Everyone giggled at what Sam said and the teacher looked at us with annoyance.

 "This here is a quadrant, this is all for sale by the way." He expresses looking through the crowed. I just roll my eye's and zone Sam out for even thinking he should sell his great great grandfathers items. "Like the sexenant here. $50 there for a bargain." He says looking at everyone. "These are pretty cool. These are my grandfathers glasses, haven't quit gotten them appraised yet, but they have seen some pretty cool things." Sam describes while holding the glasses in front of his face.

"Are you going to sell me his liver? Mr. Witwickey this isn't show and tell, this is the eleventh grade, I don't think your grandfather would be particularly proud of what you are doing." "I know, I'm sorry. This is all going towards my car fund, you can tell your folk's it's on Ebay. I take  cold hard cash, and the compass makes a great gift for Columbus day." He tells everyone practically begging for the money. 

"Unfortunately, my great great grandfather the genius that he was ended up going blind and crazy, drawing these symbols and babbling on about some giant ice man-" Before Sam could finish his sentence the bell rang. I grab my stuff and just walk by Sam not even looking at him. "Ok pop quiz tomorrow, might not! Sleep in fear tonight." The teacher says before I walk out of the class room.

Once I get out of the main hall, I head towards the parking lot. "Y/n!" I hear someone call my name. "Hey Mikaela, what's up?" I ask with a smile on my face. "I was wondering if you'd like to come to a party I am hosting at the lake later today?" She asks me with her hands on her hips. "I would love to, what time would you like me there?" I ask starting up my motorcycle. "4:30?" She asks with her head to the side. "That works, I'll see you then." I say putting my helmet on and start pulling out and started heading home.

(The colors can be whatever you want!)

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(The colors can be whatever you want!)

About 5 minutes onto the drive I was getting a call from someone, I looked at my phone which was on a phone mount and answered the call. "Hello?" I ask, as I always do when I answer calls. "Guess who got a new car?" Sam's voice asks through with a triumphant tone. "Ok, what did you do to get him to change your score?" I question Sam not believing a word he says. "Ok so I told him the story about how my dad was gonna get me a new car, only if I had 3 A's, and that his B- will cause the dream to go poof." He says with much exaggeration. 

"Let me guess, you also pulled the 'what would Jesus do?' card right?" I ask with a little hesitation. "You got that right. Anyway enough about me, what are you up to?" He asks with curiosity, Sam and I are like brother and sister, we have each other's backs. Plus we argue like siblings. "Oh, im just driving home, changing then going to a party." I inform him with much hesitation, because I wasn't sure if Mikaela would want Sam to go.

"Party? What party?" Sam questions me with a little anger in his voice. I let out a sigh "Mikaela asked me if I wanted to go to a party later, and of course as her friend I said yes." I said pulling up into my driveway. "Ok Sam, i'll see you tomorrow." I cut Sam off before he could say anything, and hung up. 'Jeeze Sam why do you need to be so uptight?" I mentally ask myself. As I walk in the house something didn't feel right.

"Dad?" I ask while walking through the front door. When I look at the stairs next to the front door, I see military equipment. "Dad where are you?" I ask with a little concern, "Oh hey Y/n, go up to my room, there's a surprise waiting for you." He tells me while he was looking through the fridge.

I turn on my heals and run upstairs. "Please don't be a joke, please don't be a joke...." I whisper to myself when I walk up to my parent's room. I open the door to see someone I haven't seen in 5 years. "Hi mom." I greet with tears growing in my eye's. "Hi sweetie, it's good to see you." She replies pulling me into a hug. "I missed you mom..." I say into her shoulder. "I missed you too... A teenager.... the years really slipped by me..." She expresses looking me in the eye's. 

"We got some catching up to do, but we can do that sometime. I have somewhere I need to be. I promise we will catch up over some coffee." I inform her pulling away from her hug. "I understand, go have fun, just be safe ok?" She tells me with her iconic smile. "I love you mom." I say walking out of her room, "I love you too sweetie." she replies before I close the door. 

A.N: Long time no see guys!!!! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, let me know your thoughts in the comments I would love to hear them! I love you guys and I'll see you soon!


More than meets the eye (Optimus Prime x Reader) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now