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[ Taeyong | Kun | Jaehyun | Jeno | Lucas | Jungwoo | Jaemin ]

| At school |

"Hey man, are you alright?" Jaehyun gestures, lifting his eyebrow as he elbows Lucas. "You've been quiet lately and it sort of bothers me."

Oh, that was true. There's just a lot on his mind and he doesn't know what to do anymore. "I'm just thinking about...stuff."

Jaehyun smirks, swinging his arms around Lucas's neck as his smile widens. "Ah, I see. Stuff, huh?"

"No, not that kind of stuff!" Lucas hits Jaehyun with his bag as he notices his usual smug expression. It's all fun and games until his best friend goes a little over his imagination. "Can't you think of something other than sex for once?"

Jaehyun was taken back a bit. Something tells him that he stepped into a landmine because Lucas was taking his usual jokes a little too seriously. It's times like this where he whips out his best friend card. "I know you probably don't want to tell me, but you can tell me anything."

Forming a pout, Lucas glances at Jaehyun as he swings his locker door open. It's not like he doesn't want to tell him, but it's a serious topic and one decision can change everything. "I don't know. You kind of give the worst advice ever."

Jaehyun's voice squeaked the moment Lucas accuses him of giving shitty advice. Please, he gives the best advice in the world! There hasn't been a day where...oh wait, never mind. Maybe, his best friend was right.

"Still, I give the best advice 2% of the time." Jaehyun praises himself, pointing his fingers towards Lucas. "Remember that one time where you asked me about relationship advice?"

"Nope!" Lucas stops and stares blankly at Jaehyun. It would be a total lie since he remembers it clearly. That was the worst advice anyone had given him!

Oh come on. Jaehyun clicks his tongue with a frown. Just because it didn't turn out the way Lucas had planned doesn't mean it was bad advice. "All you had to do was smack his butt and say these three magical words—"

Lucas hurried along as he swung his bag to his shoulder. And, this is why he never tells Jaehyun anything. It's time like this where the best advice he could give him was absolute silence. "Don't you dare follow me!"

Crossing his arms, Jaehyun watched as his best friend ran towards the door. Even if he wanted to chase after him, he has some plans of his own after school. After all, he has cram school and if he doesn't show up his mom would chop off Jae Jr.
It's been a long time! 🥺👋
How has everyone been doing. This book is nearing the end and I actually have a sequel planned for this that revolves around the kids growing up. It's taken quite long to finish this book than I originally planned because I got caught up with some personal stuff.

Thank you so much for reading and I appreciate the support you all had given me from the beginning of this book. ❤️

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