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[ Mark | Donghyuck | Kun | Chenle | Jeno | Lucas | Jungwoo | Jaemin | Jisung | Renjun | Hendery | Xiao Jun | Yangyang ]

Kun swears to never trust Jungwoo ever again. The reason? Let's just say he miscounted and there were six children in front of him and one of them was playing with his hair.

"Yangyang, what did I tell you about keeping your hands to yourself?" Kun repeats, scolding the little boy as he tries his best to shake off Xiao Jun for biting his arm.

Xiao Jun stuck out his tongue and whips out both his middle fingers as he starts sprinting across the room. All Hendery wanted was a little nap, but he was dragged by Renjun as he lazily yawns towards him.

"Can I sleep with you?" Hendery says, frowning as he tries his best to keep his eyes open. Renjun wanted to play with him, but to his disappointment, he ended up having his friend drool on his shoulder.

Mark looks over at the mess, comparing the new kids to Donghyuck. Thank god, they're different. If they were all mini Donghyuck's, he swears he would—

"Markipoo, I have a present for you." Donghyuck grins as he squeezes Mark's hand. "Close your eyes."

Oh, what could it be? That was so sweet of—


And there Mark was, passed out on the floor as Donghyuck hit him with his best fart. Let's just say it's all thanks to the beans he had for dinner, yesterday.

It's a good thing Chenle and Jisung were fairly well behaved. The two were playing peek-a-boo near a tree.

"Lookie, I found something shiny!" Chenle goes under the tree and digs his hands around the soil. He pulls up a shiny marble and decides to give it to Jisung as a token of friendship. "With this, we are now best friends forever!"

Although Jaemin wasn't too thrilled of the daycare being from populated, he noticed Chenle was holding something familiar and...

"Stop! Give that back." Jaemin storms to Chenle, pushing him to the ground as he tries to take back Jeno's marble. "It's not yours!"

Jisung joins into the little fight and decided it was a good idea to slap Jaemin's back, but it was no use. He was a weak little kid and even though his mama told him he's strong, he was no match for this kid.

"Finders keepers, losers weepers!" Chenle hollers, twisting and turning as he grins, finding this even more fun than playing with Jisung. "It's mine now!"

Although Jaemin didn't want to do this, he had to get back the marble he lost in the first place. So when Jeno comes back he can apologize for losing it and hopefully see him smile. "I'm going to punch you!"

"Ha! You can't do that. You will get in trouble—"

Of course, Jaemin really meant it. As soon as Chenle felt the sudden pain in his jaw, he knew he had lost this round.

Was it worth it?

No, it wasn't.

Even after when his big brother told him when he's mad, he should never use violence.

People get hurt because of violence.

Just like how his mother did when his father hit her.

Hello yeehaw fam, where you at? 🤠
Who's your favorite kid so far?

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