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[ Mark | Donghyuck | Kun | Jaehyun | Jeno | Lucas | Jungwoo | Jaemin ]

Jaemin had his eyes wandering, searching for his best friend. To his disappointment, Jeno had called in sick today. He looks at Jungwoo, trying his best to stay strong, but it was a matter of time before his worries got the best of him.

Kun forces a smile on his face as he welcomed back Donghyuck and Mark after a long day at Kindergarten. They were still, bickering on and on over the littlest things.

"You're the one with the poopie in the panties!" Donghyuck hisses, chasing Mark with his new toy, a plastic chicken in his hand. "Admit it or I won't let you play with chicken!"

Mark rolled his eyes and pretended to give Donghyuck the advantage. Once he got close enough, he took a big giant leap, making the younger boy trip on his shoelace and fall on top of him. To his surprise, he didn't actually dislike it. In fact, it was nice holding him in his—

"Oh my god, did you just fart on me?" Mark pushes back his chin, yelling at Kun to help him up. It's not like Kun didn't want to lend a helping hand, rather, this was the necessary bonding Mark needed to finally accept his friendship with Donghyuck. "I'll let you two play for five more minutes."

Lucas frowns as he notices Jaemin back in his corner, playing with his truck all alone. He's back to square one, isolating himself once again. Just when he thought his little brother was finally opening his heart to someone, everything goes downhill.

"Nana, he's going to be okay." Lucas gently pats his little brother's back reassuring him his friend will be back tomorrow. Even though it's just the word of his mouth, he hopes nothing bad happened to Jeno. "Don't worry about it too much, okay?"

That's easy for him to say. He wasn't the one who held Jeno's hand or felt the petrified gaze he had when he saw his parents, especially the older man with his mother. "I don't care about him at all. I'm fine!"

From the corner of his eye, Lucas glanced at Jungwoo who gestured him over to his direction. It's understandable to see Jaemin acting this way. He's currently dealing with being mad at the world and also for being mad at himself for being so powerless. It's something he has to deal with on his own. "I need you to help me with these coloring books. We have some new kids coming."

"New kids?" Lucas pushes back his chin as he feels Donghyuck wrapping his little tiny hands onto his leg. Then there was Mark who had the other leg because kids of the same group play together. "Don't tell me they're going to be doppelgangers of these two."

Jungwoo nervously sweats as he shakes his head. Oh god, no! Thankfully, they're not in any way related to Donghyuck or Mark, but he can't make promises. "There are four kids in total, I think."

Just what Lucas needed, more kids! At this rate, it almost seems as if they're..."Hey, I didn't know we were married."

Kun swears he doesn't get paid enough to deal with this nonsense. If anything, Lucas has to brush up on his flirting skills! Even Donghyuck sticks his tongue out and yaps the word 'yucky' and cries at the sight Lucas trying to put the moves on Jungwoo. "Do you want Jungwoo to be arrested?"

Oh right, Lucas forgot he's still a high schooler. It's such a shame he only has a year left, otherwise, he would 100% pursuit Jungwoo, but since he doesn't want him to go to jail, he has to lowkey tone it down a bit. After all, the Kun patrol has been on his ass a lot lately.





I swear, I want to finish this book and my other books badly :(

Is anyone still reading this? Just curious

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