chapter 3

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Rina awoke. Her cheeks were stained with tears, finding Danny snuggled into her side. Rina immediately knew her sister came to her aid when she was having a nightmare. She looked around the room to see that the only other people awake was Camden and Chase.

“Hey Rina.”  Chase hoarsely spoke.

“Hey. What time is it?” Rina asked.

“We’re just about to hit the sixteen hour mark.” Camden answered.

“Should we wake Xavier and tell him? We still do have a mission. We should be researching now, planning our drop in.” Rina claimed.

“No, he just fell asleep like thirty minutes ago. We should let him sleep a little. He needs it just as much as us.” Chase declared.

“Guys shut up, your being loud.” Danny mumbled snuggling further into her sister’s chest to avoid the light.

“Sorry Babez.” Chase huffed.

Danny sat up and rubbed the tired out of her eyes. She shuffled off the couch and stretched her limbs.

“While we wait for the rest of the crew to wake up, do you guys wanna help me watch the ankle biters?” Danny offered.

“Of course, I love the little brats.” Rina pronounced.

“I would but, someone wants a pillow.” Camden sighs, pointing accusingly at Ace whose face was buried in her neck.

“When are you two gonna go out?” Chase asks.

“When he has the balls to ask. When the man can man up I’ll say yes.” Camden laughs.

“Makes sense. I’ll come too by the way, Danny.” Chase says.

“Well let’s be on our merry way.” Rina orders.

The three skip along towards the youngsters playing just rooms away.

“Kids!” Danny calls.

“Ny!” The kids laugh. One of the kids grasps her hand and pulls her to one of their mini-tables.

“Look, I made a painting of you and the others!” The little girl cheered. The painting was done with finger paint. They all looked so serious. No one was smiling in the painting, except the little girl.

“Hopefully one day I can save people like you guys do! It’s like, totally epic, being superheros all the time!” A young boy interrupted.

“That’s a great goal to have, never forget it kid.” Rina ruffled his hair.

“Do you guys want some food? I can make some peanut butter and jellys if you’d like?”  Danny questioned with a smile smearing across her face as the kids danced with joy and radiance.

“I’ll take that as a yes then. Chase, Rina, please watch the kids while I make them food.” Danny inquired, leaving before she could even get her answer. Chase shrugged and began to sway with the dancing children. Rina went and talked to the teens in the back hiding themselves away from the crew. They spent to long in the tests. It would be hard to gain their trust at this stage, but Raison D’etre would never give up on them.

Soon enough a broad shouldered man swayed into the room grinning at the children. Xavier laughed at the children.

“Where's Danny?” Xavier asked.

“kitchen.” Rina replied. Xavier danced into the kitchen and began help.

“Babes, we should probably get ready to head on the mission after this.” Xavier Informed.

“ok Dawnie I'll get dressed and ready after this.” Danny agreed.

“No, I want you to stay here. Your injured, you won't be quick enough.” Xavier ordered.

“but who will watch the kids! Who'll help them climb the steps? I have a job to do injured or not!” Danny argued.

“I'll get Chase to do it. Rina can talk to them too.” Xavier countered.

“then why do I even go on missions!” Danny's voice rose. Her voice cracked, she felt useless and not needed.

“I don't want you to get hurt more, I want you to heal faster, I want you to get better. I don't like not putting you on missions. We have you to help with kids because you know how to handle them and none of us really do. I just don't want you to get hurt more or possibly die.” Xavier wailed.

“I'm sorry” Danny said taking the plates full of sandwiches and exiting the room.

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