Chapter 1

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"The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout. Down came the rain, and washed the spider out. Out came the sun and dried up all the rain, and the itsy bitsy spider climbed up the spout again." Danny sang to the weeping and terrified children. So many, so young, so innocent. The oldest one in this bunch was probably thirteen. Danny's singing barely covered the blaring sounds of gunshots outside the black bus startling even her, her thin rimmed and large glasses gulting off her face.

"C'mon Prime! Get your ass in the back now! We gotta go!" The girl in the front seat screeched. Her name was as delicate as her face, Rina Lee, Danny's twin sister, the getaway driver.Her blonde and pink hair stood out in all the dark colors, as well as her electric blue NASCAR jacket.

"Take a chill pill Blondie! I was just having fun!" Prime responded. Prime was just a nickname for the crazy gunman. His real name was Lucas Gee, but he was too insane for a normal name. His dark cap covered his eyes. A midnight black mask adorned his sculpted face. He had on all black, the only thing being slightly different was the silky black bomber jacket he wore.He was waving his machine gun while laughing hysterically.

"Calm your tits, your gonna scare the kids." Chase mumbled. Chase Sepp. The hacker. He was quiet, but very sarcastic. His black hair was decorated with his orange headphones and microphone. He was wearing a black hoodie decorated in white stripes on the shoulder. He was nineteen, a year younger than the gunman. One thing to know about the lean lad is the gayness he possesses for the gunman. The two were a very loving and odd couple.

"Oops, we don't want that! Don't be afraid little ones! We're the heros!" Prime laughed.

"Chase, do we know where Ace and Camden are?" Rina yelled as the car zoomed and served on the road,  knocking away barriers and guards.

"They're  just a couple blocks ahead,  sharp right!" Chase ordered.

Kids wept. Tears streamed down their lost faces. Danny, known as Babes by the team, gently brushed her hands on the kid's cheeks as she hugged them as close as she could. This rescue was a larger one, which made them happy but sad. Danny felt a small tug won her light grey sweatshirt that swallowed her body whole. Her bright red backpack had been unzipped and the kids saw the food in there.

"You guys want a treat? I'm sure they didn't feed you well in there." Danny offered. The kids perked and nodded their heads. Danny is the babysitter as Prime says. That's how she got her nickname. Danny was responsible for watching the children while everyone did their own dangerous part. Danny's hair was made to look gentle so she didn't frighten the kids. Her hair was light brown and put into two braided pigtails that laid low giving her a more childish appearance than her eighteen year old self already did.

Two people, a male and a female, suddenly jumped in the moving bus

"Holy shit Ace, Camden, that looked fucking epic!" Prime squealed.

"Shut up, the kids aren't used to people like you." The girl, Camden Loshy, sternly stated. Her hair was dark, her lips snake pierced,  her arms engulfed in tattoos of dragons and hearts. She lit a smoke and placed it to her delicate red painted lips. She was definitely endowed in tough girl charm and beauty at her young age of twenty-one. Camden is the main female undercover agent on the team. Her, alongside Ace, would be the only ones to actually enter the building and play the part as scientists, sometimes government officials, as far as military.

"At least tone it down." Ace negotiates. Max "Ace" Lin, twenty-one years old. He had a tough appearance, but he was gentle and timid himself. His arms were decorated with tattoos, several bleeding hearts and roses. He was really tall, but not the tallest. His green eyes contrasted his black hair. He was princely, not that it mattered in a world like this.

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