chapter 4

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    Xavier heaved a heavy sigh as he watched Danny glide away. She was going to have to stay in his office with him when the other’s left. He knew how Danny could get when it came to helping children. She wanted to be apart of the rescue, she had admitted it many times that it’s the only thing that keeps her alive. If it wasn’t for him finding Danny and Rina in one of the labs with Camden and Prime, then they had planned to commit a double suicide. It was understandable. The crew had yet to find a worse facility then the ones the girls were shoved into. He felt awful taking her job away from her, she had a simple job. Ninety percent of the time she just sits in the bus. Her job isn’t that dangerous, but her leg is a big problem.


“Danny, why can’t you understand I just want the best for you.” He whispers. He soon disappears into his office, glancing at the slightly shattered mirror that he shattered when he got in a fight with Prime earlier that day. Danny was the youngest of the crew, her sister being born before her. Danny was only eighteen but she was so mature and nurturing. Xavier tugged at a fistful of hair, his head ducking down at his mental dilemma. On the outside of his door Danny stood, unsure if it was the right time to apologize for her outburst. She admitted to herself that she had overreacted, she knew Dawnie would do nothing to hurt her. She tapped on the glass.

“Dawnie, can I come in?” She mumbled, her head bowing in shame. Footsteps sounded through her ears as the door before her was swung open.

“Yes Babez?” Xavier croaked. Danny saw his puffy face and his messy tousled hair. She did the poor fluffbutt wrong and she knew it.

“I wanted to apologize for my behavior. I know this mission is important to you and having me not be on the team is a hassle. I know you didn’t want to make that decision so I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you upset, you just know why I wanted to go.” Danny rambled.

“Babez, I just want you to be safe. You don’t have to apologize. Go change into some pajamas and call the team in here.” Xavier hoarsely spoke. Danny knew he was angry but was refraining from lashing out. Despite this, he ruffled her hair and gave her a gentle push.

It was no secret to anyone in the crew that Xavier didn’t trust anyone with lick. He was normally cold and standoffish. He only spoke kindly for the team was because they needed to trust him. It wasn’t important the opposite way around. Danny was upset with the thought, but did as she was told. She changed into a long sleeve panda sleep shirt with matching polka dot boxers. She then fetched the others as the gathered in a circle around the big man’s desk.

“Alrighty crew! This is an important mission. We can get supplies at this facility, facility XXP03. They have a huge storage room, we should raid it. Among this is roughly 60 kids. There is an average of about 135 workers, but when the night shift switches in that number practically doubles. I know we normally do our missions in the night but it would be safer to do this one in sunlight. Rina, I’ll give you a map of the building and surrounding street ways for escape to map out. You’ll have to practically vanish if we don’t want to get caught.” Xavier informed.

“Doesn’t this sound a bit difficult yet? There are many other facilities with weaker security that we haven’t been to. Why can’t we go there? I don’t think we’re ready for this.” Ace questioned.

“Of course we’re ready! Quick, tell us the deets so I can kill some people!” Prime hollered.

“Are primary goal is to save kids, not kill people. In fact we should avoid that at all cost Prime.” Chase scolds.

“Guys shut up, I’m sure there it more to this mission.” Rina hushed.

“Thank you Rina. As I was saying, security is tight but this might be our easiest mission yet.” Xavier explains. “They have the longest switch out period at third break, it takes them nearly 45 minutes to complete the switch out. Minus 15 minutes of them actually switching out and we have about a half hour to get in without getting caught.”

“But what about leaving with the kids?” Danny quizzed.

“Babez, how about you decide the safest route for the kids. Since you normally get them out you should be able to tell Chase where to bring them. Later you two should discuss that. Babez is staying here because of her leg, so Chase you will take her role. Please prepare yourself to multitask with lives and technology. Babez and I will be here to guide you guys over the coms. It will basically be like normal except you’ll hear two voices instead of one. Does everyone copy?” Xavier finishes.

“Copy.” The crew states in perfect unison.

“Good. Ace, Camden, stay here so we can discuss your intrusion for the building. Everyone else is dismissed. Babez, see Rina for the floor plan of the building.” Xavier orders.

“Aye Aye captain!” Babez solutes.

“Babez.” Chase calls.

“Babez, you best not take my man or I’ll slaughter you, okay? You guys are gonna spend a bit of time together so don’t fall for him.” Prime threatens.

“Prime, I’m gay. Even if she did fall for me I wouldn’t leave you for her.” Chase reassures.

“Oh yeah, that’s right. I guess I forgot!” Prime laughs.

“You guys are OTP material.” Danny interrupted.

“O-T-P?” Chase questioned.

“It means one true pairing.” Danny answered.

“Why do you know that?” He interrogated.

“Rina and I’s facility was mostly girls, they talked about the boys they crushed on before they got thrown in the system all the time. They used to fangirl over each others relationships and that was a phrase that was constantly heard.” Danny commented.

“Well, good. He’s my man, but I’ll leave for now. Let’s save the brats!” Prime howled dashing through the hall.

“Rina!” Danny signalled.

“Hey, I got the floor plans. Let’s go back to the meeting room and discuss the building.” RIna suggested.

“Sounds like a plan!” Chase said.

With that they all gathered in their swivelling chairs. They sat side by side, Danny being in the middle. She pointed and explained the safest way to exit with the kids based on the notes on the floor plan. Xavier always left notes on the floor plan about how many guards or workers are normally around the area. He also notes where the cameras are, which normally they don’t worry about cameras because Chase freezes the image before anyone gets inside.

“From the looks of it the kids are held on the third and fourth floor. I think it’s pretty stupid but the cells outerwall appears to be made of glass, so I think the safest exit would be the windows.” Danny explained.

“But how do we get 60 kids out of one hole in the windows?” Chase questions.

“Prime normally protects the bus when it’s parked. As scary of a guy as he is, he should watch for the kids at the bottom, so Rina the bus should be parked on the left side of the building or close. We can bring our mats and ropes and maybe make two or three holes on each floor for the kids to slide down. Maybe make a few rope ladders so they don’t accidently fall.” Danny suggested.

“How do you do this without getting caught at all? Dawnie said your job isn’t dangerous, but you go in the building!” Chase panics.

“Ace and Camden normally start a lot of commotion and it attracts a lot of guards. You freeze the cameras so the control room has no idea. I walk in and walk out. It’s not dangerous at all. If there are a few stubborn guards I have darts that I can shoot at them that knock ‘em out. Maybe I should give that to you. It’s easy to use once you get the hang of it so you should practice before you go. I honestly have never had to actually use it in a mission before.” Danny recommends.

“Sure thing, while I’m at it I’ll make those rope ladders too.” Chase agrees.

“Okay, since you guys are done with these floor plans and I know roughly where I need to park can you guys leave so I can plan the escape?” Rina kindly ushered.

“Of course Rina.” Danny said.

“Adios amigo!” Chase shouted.

The two left leaving the escape to Rina. In a couple days The mission would start. For Xavier’s sake, Danny prayed that they would be able to save his sister.

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