Chapter Seventy-Seven Die For You

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"We will." Dallas looks away and I put my hand on his shoulder as he looks at me again. "We will Dallas. We will find them. They aren't dead. We would have known if they were. They're keeping them alive. We just don't know why yet. And we don't know for how long." I remove my hand and start walking.

"I wonder if they're trying to get you next. They already have Ryder and Selene. What if you're next Boss? What if they come for you next?" He says walking beside me again.

"Then they better kill me because I will raise hell." I chuckle but Dallas looks at me seriously. "I'm a big girl Dallas. You may be taller than me but I'm stronger than I look."

"I know. I've been at the other end of your punch before." He shivers and I smirk. "It hurts. Almost as much as Ryder's." My smirk fades and I give him a look.

"You think her punch hurts more than mine?"

"You've felt her punch before. What do you think?" He asks and I hesitate thinking back to that day. Right. Her punch does hurt. Her fist feels like stone.

"You might be right." I say shrugging. "It does hurt."

     "I'll never forget the day David called and said that Ryder was fighting you. I didn't know what to think I was so confused." Dallas chuckles a little making me smile. I was glad he wasn't depressed. Most people would be if they lost the love of their life but he isn't most people. He's strong. We'll find Ryder again and everything will be fine. Same goes for Selene. They will both be fine. "Then David told me Ryder was winning and I couldn't help but smile."

      "It was a tie." I say looking forward and he chuckles again.

     "Was it?"

     "It was." I say nodding my head and fiddling with my hair. I look down at the dress I was still in and shake my head. I needed to get out of this dress.

     "How are you feeling?" Dallas asks and I look up at him.


     "Are you hurting? Do you need help?" He asks carefully and I shake my head.

     "I'm fine. You shouldn't worry about me. I'm fine."

     "I don't just worry. I'd die for you Blake just like anyone else of your people. We would all die for you." I sigh and close my eyes while tilting my head up. Everyone kept saying that and I hated it. I love that my people love me but I don't want them to give their lives for me. They have their own lives to live too. They shouldn't give them up just for me. "You're not just anybody Blake. You're our leader. You're our boss. Of course we would give our lives for you. As much as you hate us saying that, it's what we do. We keep you safe."

     "How's Aiden?" I ask opening my eyes and changing the subject. "He worries me. Do you know if going to be alright?"

     "He'll be alright. It may take a while because this was his brother that died. He blames himself. He thinks it should have been him but that's normal. Everyone does so when they lose someone they love but Aiden is strong and you gave him the man who did it so he has someone real to blame. Aiden will be just fine."

"I hope so. I can't lose him too. He's smart and he's a good man. I need him. I need all of you. You all play a role and I lose one more I don't know what I'm going to do."

"You can't protect everyone Boss." I roll my eyes.

"Funny. That's what Felix said." I mutter under my breath.

"Well he's right. You can't protect us all." I shake my head.

"I have to do something. I have to try. I'm not going to lose another of my people. I won't allow it. First Leo. Then Brice. No one else is going to die or I swear I will go another murderous rampage."

The Game Changer (Blake) 3 ✔️Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora