Chapter Seventy-Five My People, My Responsibility

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"I'll tell her whenever I see her again. Alright?" Aiden nods and steps back. "We're setting up for Brice's funeral. We think it will be around six." I nod but then remember something.

"Is Leo still in the morgue?" I ask hesitantly. We've all be so busy, we didn't even have a funeral for him. Aiden nods.

"He's still there. You want me to tell them to get him ready too?"

"If it's alright with you." I nod and he nods backs.

"He was one of us no matter what he did to hurt Ryder. He deserves a funeral too." Two funerals in one day. This was going to be rough on everyone.

"Make sure there is alcohol but not a lot. We don't need a bunch of drunk Italians on our hands." Aiden chuckles.

"You're right about that. I'll get everything set up." I narrow my eyes.

"You? Why not have someone else do it?" I ask.

"I need to do this. I need to work, it helps. It really helps." I hesitantly nod.

"Okay. If you're okay with doing it then okay." He nods.

"See you later boss." I nod again watching as he walks away.

"He's not grieving." Felix says making me jump. He hadn't talked this whole time I forgot he was here.

"He will today. We all will today." Felix turns us around and we walk to the elevator and get in going up to my floor. "Maybe you shouldn't be here for the funeral. Maybe you should go to your people."


     "I know you said your people included me. I remember that but this is a funeral. I don't know what my people will think if you come along. You didn't even know them that well. You might not have even known them at all. Your people need you too. I can't just take you from them. You should be with them and lead them. The less you're with them, the more they with realize you're here instead of there. You need to go to them."

     "If you want me to leave. I will leave." He says. The elevator dings and we walk out walking to my room. We push the door open and there Nadia and Leon were. Leon was laying her down because she was asleep before he looked to us.

      "I was just putting her down." He says and I nod before he walks past us and away.

      "Are you and him okay?"

     "We will be." Felix says walking me to the bed and helping me sit. "Are you sure I can't stay Blake?" I shake my head.

     "My people, my responsibility."

"Blake it wasn't your fault. You can't protect everyone."

"I have to try. I can't just sit back and let my people die. Not the way Brice did. Not like that. I don't need you here right now Felix. Just go."

     "Okay then." He leans down and kisses Nadia on the forehead before doing the same to me. "I'll see you later." I nod watching him walk out.

      "I love you." I say making him hesitate at the door.

     "I love you too Blake." He says and then he closes the door behind him. I look at the time seeing it was twelve. Okay. Maybe we were out there longer than I thought. Longer than Felix thought too but it was definitely worth it. Someone needed to get that guy off the streets and that someone just happened to be me. He does deserve to suffer for what he did. I scoot back in the bed and lay down wrapping my arms around Nadia and pulling her close to me. I didn't want to let her go but I knew I couldn't be with her all the time.

The Game Changer (Blake) 3 ✔️Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant