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The next morning Y/n groans waking up.
"I shouldn't have drank so much." She stares at the ceiling rubbing her temples.
After a while she sits up rubbing her eyes. A gasp comes out of her mouth seeing her dress and lingerie scattered on the floor along with the suit Jungkook was wearing last night. She looks down under the blanket only to reveal that she was completely naked. Jungkook was fast asleep by her side. She shakes her head slowly getting off the bed trying not to make a sound. She tiptoes to her dress and picks it up.
"I need to get out of here before he wakes up." She thinks.
"Where are you going?" Jungkook mumbles still laying on the bed.
"Um... no where haha." She slowly walks back and lays down beside him, getting under the blanket.
"Nothing happened last night don't worry." He mumbles looking at her with half closed lids.
"You don't need to lie, I'm naked you're naked how do you explain that?" She asks arching an eyebrow at him.
"Woman if I fucked you, do you think you could have walked straight like you just did?" He asks looking at he with a cocky smile.
She rolls her eyes looking away.
"You fell asleep while we were doing it." He says sighing.
"I fell asleep while we were fucking? Lol, did your dick get useless day by day too, like you?" She chuckles.
"I was eating your pussy, you stopped moaning so I looked up and saw you were dead." He looks at her annoyed.
"Oh.. um okay." She looks away closing her thighs together underneath the blanket.
"And we both know what my cock does to you so don't argue with me on that." He sits up rubbing his eyes.
"Don't tell anyone about last night and don't think we will do this again. We were drunk so a mistake happened." She says sitting up.
"Yeah yeah I don't have any interest in fucking you as well." He takes his phone from the side table.
She puts on her dress, fixes her herself and walks out of the room without getting in any further conversation with him.

Two months or so passed, after that night neither Jungkook nor Y/n tried to be together with each other in any shape or form. They both maintained a healthy distance away from each other. Jungkook didn't seem to care about Y/n anymore, he was totally unbothered by her presence.

It was a peaceful evening, everyone was in the backyard having tea. They were all talking and chatting about their work. Both the girls were gossiping and giggling once in a while making the boys turn to them curiously.
"Hi guys." Jungkook walks to them.
They all look at him except for the girls, they were busy with their own gossip.
"Hi Oppas, it's nice to finally meet you all." A girl speaks making both Y/n and Taehyung's wife turn to them.
Y/n stares at Jungkook and her, she slowly looks down to their hands. Both their hands were intertwined to each other. She looks away as the girl starts introducing herself to them.
"Oh Jungkookie has a girlfriend now." Jimin teases him.
Jungkook chuckles and introduces Jimin to his girlfriend. Everyone talks with her and asks how long they have been together and what not. Y/n clutches onto the chair's handles tightly trying to contain her tears that are threatening to spill. Yoongi  notices Y/n, as her demeanour changes. All the colour from her face goes pale, her lips starts quivering. He sighs and walks to her.
"Yah Y/h-ah let's go inside I want you to cook me ramen." He holds her up and walks with her.
She holds onto him, feeling her legs go numb. Tears streams down her cheeks nonstop, she tries hiding her face by lowering her head.
"It's going to be alright." Yoongi slowly pulls her into a hugs as they go out of everyone's sight and pats her head.
She sobs loudly on his chest not being able to control any longer.

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