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The baby girl they got from the dustbin had some severe head injuries that needed treatment. But none of the boys had that amount of money to help her. The doctors said it can be fixed with surgeries and years and years of therapy only, till than she will have flaws. By flaws he meant her mental growth will be lesser than it should be. All the boys were upset, they all wanted to help but their hands were tied up. Yoongi feels the most connected to the baby. He looks down at her as she sleeps peacefully in his lap.
"You're y/n, you will be with us, I'll protect you." He whispers to her kissing her forehead.
Jin walks to him and sits beside him and slowly takes the baby and starts feeding her milk from the feeder.
"She will be fine Yoongi, don't worry." Jin smiles looking at him.
Yoongi nods his head looking at her sipping the milk from the bottle.

5 years later

Nine year old Jungkook is still as mischievous as he was. He still doesn't like Y/n, rather his dislike for her is more than ever.
"Oppa let's play." Five year old Y/n pulls on his hand trying to make her favourite Oppa stand.
"No I don't want to play!" Jungkook takes his hand away harshly.
Y/n pouts looking away and slowly walks in the room Yoongi and Hoseok shares. She runs to Yoongi and puts her head on his lap.
"Appa I'm sad." She says in a shaky tone.
"What happened sweetheart?" Yoongi caresses her head.
"Jungkookie Oppa won't play with me." She looks at him with teary eyes.
He smiles and wipes her tears.
"Come I'll play some music for you." He says and makes her sit on his lap and starts playing the piano.

"She's so annoying!" Jungkook groans and starts messing Y/n's stuff that is in the room they both share.
"Don't do that Jungkook-ah." Twelve year old Jimin walks in followed by Taehyung.
"No why! Why do I have to share my room with her!! This is my room!" Jungkook takes off all his anger throwing and ruining Y/n's toys.
Taehyung starts tiding her stuff.
"Jungkook stop it she's our family why do you act like that with her?" Taheyung asks sitting on the bed.
"Cause she took my place and she she gets more priority than me." Jungkook complains.
"We all share rooms okay, don't be such a drama queen." Jimin scoffs walking out of the room.
"Yeah I'm always the bad guy." Jungkook pushes Taehyung out and closes the door shut.

Years past by, all of them grew up. Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung are little men with the moustaches coming out of faces as a result of their puberty. In all busyness the elder boys forgot that there's a girl in the house who's growing up too. She might have a mental health of a five year old but her body surely is growing like a normal 12 year old.
Y/n sits in the corner of the bathroom sobbing. Both Jimin and Taehyung are tried of knocking on the door for her to open and tell them what's wrong. Neither of the elder boys were at home. Jungkook on the other hand was of no help as he just sat down by the tv and played on his PS4.

After a while Jin came in with the groceries. Jimin runs to him hearing his voice.
"Hyung Y/n is sobbing for the last hour in the bathroom. She locked herself in and is not letting us in." He says and breathes heavily.
Jin hurries his way in the room and softly knocks on the bathroom door.
"Y/n-ah baby what's wrong open the door it's Jin Oppa." He speaks ever so softly.
Jin sees the door knob twisting so he gestures the young boys to go out.
"I won't go." Jungkook demands still with his controller in his hands.
Both Jimin and Taehyung picks him up and walks out of the room.
Jin slowly gets in and sees Y/n sitting in the tub.
"Baby what is it?" He slowly kneels down and pats her head.
"Oppa I I am bleeding." She says like a child crying.
"Will I die?" She adds sobbing loudly.
Jin gets red and flustered. He doesn't know what to do. He never thought about this time, they all knew it would come but none of them planned on how to make her understand that it's natural. Most importantly they themselves weren't ready for it. Jin takes a deep breathe in and calls Yoongi. Yoongi picks up with in the third ring.
"Yes Hyung I'm a little busy with the music recording." Yoongi sighs as he's tired of explaining the new singer the tunes.
"Her periods are here." Jin states rubbing his forehead.
Yoongi opens and closes his mouth like a fish not knowing what to do.
"Yeah I'm...I'll be there." Yoongi ends the call and walks to his boss noona.
"Noona can you help me with something." Yoongi asks shyly.
His boss nods her head instantly as she's very fond of him for his hard work.
"Go ahead." She says.
Yoongi explains her the whole situation. She simply smiles and stands up.
"More than happy to help." She says and takes her purse and walks being followed by him.

After a while Yoongi walks in the home with her.
"They are in Jungkook and her bedroom." Jimin points to the room.
Yoongi nods and walks in the room with her.
"Jin Hyung." He calls out.
Jin slowly comes out of the bathroom.
"Please be careful with her." He says worriedly.
"Don't worry I have a daughter too I can handle this." Yoongi's boss says and walks in the bathroom.
Both Jin and Yoongi sits on the bed waiting for them. Few minutes later she comes out with Y/n.
"She's fine now, I explained her everything." She smiles at them.
Yoongi stands up and bows to her.
"I'm thankful to you." He says bowing to her again.
"It's no big deal Yoongi." She pats his back and walks to the main door.
"You okay?" Jin asks as Y/n hugs him by his waist.
"Yes." She says looking up at him.
"Come I'll feed you some food." He picks her up like he always used to and walks to the dining table.
All three young boys stares at Y/n.
"What happened to you?" Taehyung breaks the silence.
"I became a woman now." Y/n giggles repeating the words she was told by Yoongi's boss.

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