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After a few hours Jungkook wakes up and sees Y/n laying on his chest fast asleep. He hears his Hyungs talking to each other outside. So, he quickly gets out of the bed and puts on some clothes. Picking her up he walks to the bathroom.
"What is it Oppa?" Y/n asks mumbling leaning on his chest with half closed lids.
He puts her down on the tub and turns on the tap. She slowly opens her eyes and looks down at the mess between her legs. She tenses up a little thinking something happened to her.
"Oppa it's hurting." She groans rubbing her lower belly.
"You will be fine okay just stay calm and quiet." Jungkook shushes her and walks out of the bathroom closing the door behind.
Y/n lays on the tub and starts falling asleep feeling the warm water soothing her pain. He quickly pulls the bedsheet off the bed and folds it up messily. Peaking out of the room to check if anyone is around he runs to the laundry room and throws the bedsheet in the washing machine. After putting the bedsheet to wash he takes a new sheet and hurries back in the room and makes the bed neatly. He sighs calming down and walks in bathroom. Giggling softly Y/n sits in the tub playing with the bubbles. He rolls his eyes and holds her up and pours water on her to clean her up.
"Jungkookie I love you." She smiles caressing his cheek.
"Yeah yeah." He wraps a towel around her and takes her in the room.

After a while Yoongi walks up to their room.
"Y/n? Baby are you asleep?" He peaks in and sees her laying under the blanket.
He walks in and sees Jungkook sitting on the armchair in the corner of the room going through his phone. He slowly sits beside her and caresses her head and feels her temperature is hotter than usual.
"Appa." She whispers smiling and slowly moves to his lap and lays on it.
"Baby are not you feeling well?" He asks looking at her worried.
"Mhmm Appa I have belly pain." She slowly rubs her lower belly.
Yoongi sighs thinking it's period cramps or something.
"Okay Appa will get you some medicine and food. You lay here and no moving." He kisses her head.
She smiles at him and slowly lays down straight causing the blanket to move off her neck.
"What is that?" He asks caressing the blue hickeys all over her neck.
Jungkook widens his eyes and panics.
"Hyung I I I told her not to lay on the carpet, but she didn't listen to me and got badly bitten by ants." He speaks up hurriedly.
"I told you to be careful baby, you never listen to Appa." He sighs and stands up.
"She even itched it to make it worse." Jungkook adds.
"I'll get the medicine okay don't move." He smiles at her and walks out of the room.
"Oppa you're not an ant." She giggles looking at him.
He puts his index finger on his lips and gestures her to stay quiet. She giggles nodding.

Months past, they both have been fooling around. For her it is more like getting all his attention and his 'love'. And for him it is more like taking some sort of revenge on her for making everyone neglect him and pay all their attention and love to her.

"Oppa are you my boyfriend?" Y/n all of a sudden asks mimicking the questions she saw the anime character asking to their interest.
"No I'm not." He simply states going through his phone.
"Marry me Oppa I want to be your wife." She smiles at him holding his hand and places it on her thigh.
"Excuse me?" Jungkook takes his hand away from her thigh.
"I have a girlfriend why will I marry you?" He stands up.
"But I thought I was your girlfriend?" She asks.
"No you're not." He says bluntly.
"No I'm not." She giggles looking down mumbling stuff.
"Yes." He rolls his eyes thinking how crazy she is seeing her giggle.
"I'm not." She stands up giggling and walks out of the room and wipes her tears that fell and walks in Yoongi's room.

Yoongi was off to work, so she sits at his piano and starts playing it harshly going totally off tune.
"Who's playing the piano?" Taehyung looks at Jimin confused.
"Yoongi Hyung is not here, I think Y/n, but she can play really nicely he taught her so why is she playing it like that?" Jimin answers and looks at Yoongi's room.
Y/n keeps playing it, and starts hitting the piano harshly. She stands up and picks up the guitar from the side and starts banging it on the piano smashing the guitar into pieces. Jungkook groans and walks in the room and holds her hand tightly and drags her in their bedroom.
"Listen you crazy bitch! First of all that was his hard work's  money that he paid to buy them. And second of all he used them to earn money to fucking fix your mental brain." He yell at her.
She says nothing and stares at the floor mumbling stuff.
"Go to sleep quietly." He commands.
Y/n says nothing and walks out of the room. She walks in Yoongi's room and starts screaming pulling her own hair. Jimin and Taehyung comes running in the room and gasps seeing all the mess. She keeps screaming, Jimin runs to her and hugs.
"Y/n calm down what's wrong? Calm down." He tries to get her to calm down.
She starts hitting Jimin to break free from him. He keeps holding her tightly not letting her go.
Jungkook holds onto her and tries pulling her.
"Jungkook it's fine I'm here don't be so harsh on her." Jimin holds her in his arms as she completely lets loose of herself.

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