Chapter 2;Spectre

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3rd POV:
When everyone woke up, they just nothing but the people around them. "Oh my god, Innocence where are you!?"asked a worried voice. Then they heard giggling then a little cough. "Come out Innocence you are not in a good shape to be playing!" They heard the voice say again. Then they saw a Danny with one green eye , one blue eye, and black hair with white tips. He looked around until he saw us. "What are you guys doing in here? " he said then they heard giggling from behind them. Then a little cough. They turned around to see a little version of Danny with black hair, one green, and one blue eye. "Oh my god, Innocence you scared the me!!" The older Danny said running towards the little Danny and picking him up. "Sorry *cough* I heard people *Cough*here and wanted to s-see what was happening." The little Danny said."Its ok Innocence, just don't do that again!" The little Danny just nodded. The older Danny then looked at the humans. "Now how did you get into the Lordship's mind?" He asked glaring. He saw Tuck, Valerie, and Jazz and smiled. He walked over to Jazz. "Hey you're the Lordship's sister and friends, that means..." he looked at the rest"You are the rest of his class"He walked up to Mr lancer. "You're the Lordships teacher and the only adult figure he admires." He said smiling making Lancer smile back. He then turned around to the A-listers and glared. "You're the Lordships bullies and a only a few tormenters" he spat as he glared. He turned towards Sam "You're the backstabbing bitch that cheated on the Lordship" he said. She glared at him. He growled and she stopped glaring. He turned to the his parents "you're the birth giver/sperm donor of lordship thst never took care of him." He said growling. he backed up and took, Who everyone guessed was innocence, from Valerie and Jazz, who he had givin to them prior to coming up to Mr Lancer. "I know who you are but you don't know who I am" The Danny started. "I am 1 of the Lordship's personalities inside the mind, but you can call me spectre. However, Jazz, Valerie, Tucker, and Mr Lancer, are aloud to call me what they want." he stated smiling at them receiving a smile back."And this is Innocince"he said holding up the little Danny in his arms. "He represents the Lordship's innocence. However, he has been getting sick. He was fine before the incident that happened to the Lordship 1 and a half years ago. He had gotten better." he said smiling sadly at the innocence who had fallen asleep. He looked up at Sam and glared. "But that was before that witch cheated on the Lordship a couple months ago. And now he might be dying because of you."he said angrily at Sam she just backed away. Spectre at that moment was glad innocence was asleep because he didn't want to scare him. "Now if you're willing to escape and not get lost I'll be you're tour guide." He said no one argued"Now follow me!" He said cheerfully. He led them to a pale yellow door.

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