Chapter 5;Artistic Triplets

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A/N:Song NOT mine it is a clean male version Melanie Martinez's song cry baby. Play it when said.
3rd POV(still):
They walked I not the room to see 3 Danny's:1 with all black hair, one been eye and one blue eye, looked like a rock star, and was tuning a electric guitar that had a yin and yang pattern. Another one had black hair with rainbow tips, green eyes, and looked like a painter. The last one had messy white hair that had black tips, blue eyes, was wearing glasses, and looked very tired. The painter and the writer were fighting. "Come on give it back!" The painter Danny said. "No fucking way!"The writer Danny said. "Why!?"The painter Danny asked "Because you stole my planning note book!!" The writer Danny said."Why are you accusing me, that could have been mischief!?"The Danny asked. "What's going on?" Spectre asked making the 2 Danny's look at him. "He stole one of my paint brushes!"The painter Danny yelled pointing at the writer Danny. "Well you stole my planing note book first!" The writer Danny yelled in reply. "How is the lordship supposed to do his homework and get decent sleep with all the stuff that's going on in his life!?" The writer Danny Added"Guys just stop you're giving me a head ache..." Spectre said but they kept fighting. Then a really loud guitar sound went off making the 2 Danny's stop fighting and looking at where the sound came from, along with everyone else. They looked over too see the rock star Danny. "Good now that you 2 are done fucking fighting, we have guests."the rock star Danny said pointing toward the humans. "Oh..." The other 2 Danny's said in unison. "Now that's over, introduce yourselves"Spectre said. "Ok but you have to explain why they are here" The writer Danny said. Spectre just nodded."Ok, so...I'm knowledge, I appeared during 1st grade. I know what the lordship sleeps through, he may be asleep but I stay awake and listen. I also am a writer."The writer Danny explained. "I'm creativity, I appeared during pre-K. I am the lordships creative side. I can do anything artsy that isn't music."The painter Danny explained. "And i'm Acoustic, I appeared when the lordship was 8/when the lordship began to like music. I represent what the lordship can do music wise. The lordship and I can sing and play most instruments such as electric guitar, acoustic guitar, piano, keyboard, keytar, drums, and flute. However the lordship and I like the electric guitar more."The Rock star Danny said. After they introduced themselves everyone was shocked from what they heard. "Wait if they appeared earlier when did joy, innocence, Sadness/Depression, and Spectre appear?" Valerie asked getting out of her shock. "Well, Joy and sadness appeared when the lordship was born. Innocence appeared when the lordship was 2 months old/when the lordship was able to talk. Sadness turned into depression when the lordship was cheated on, and he turned back into sadness when you, Jazz, and Tucker helped him. And I appeared after the incident."Spectre explained. "Oh, that makes sense"Valerie said. At that moment innocence woke up. Innocence looked around the room."Artsy Uncles!"Innocence yelled excitedly, getting everyone out of their shock, jumping out of Spectre's arms. Innocence hugged them all at once. "Hey buddy, how are you?" Creativity asked once innocence let go of them."Getting a little better." Innocence said "that's great"Acoustic said smiling. "Can you play a song?"Innocince asked jumping up and down excitedly. "of course, buddy!"Acoustic said smiling wider. "Yay!"Innocence said running to a huge stage that somehow the humans didn't notice was there. "Wait, what song are you going to sing?"Spectre asked. "Cry baby by Melanie Martinez. Also don't worry I am going to sing the clean version."Acoustic said. The last sentence made Spectre breath a sigh of relief. Spectre turned to the humans, who were in shock from the stage."Come on"Spectre said making them come out of there shock and follow him. They all sat down and acoustic got on stage. Spectre could here the A-listers and Sam whispering about how he was going to suck and snickering. Then he started to play his guitar.

A/N:Play song)

"You seem to replace

Your brain with your heart
You take things so hard
And then you fall apart
You try to explain
But before you can start
Those cry baby tears
Come out of the dark
Someone's turning the handle
To that faucet in your eyes
You pour it out
Where everyone can see
Your heart's too big for your body
That's why it won't fit inside
You pour it out
Where everyone can see
They call you 'cry baby, Cry baby'
But you don't even care
'Cry baby, cry baby'
So you laugh through your tears
'Cry baby, cry baby'
'Cause you don't even care
Tears fall to the ground
You'll just let them drown
You'll just let them drown
'Cry baby, cry baby'
You're all on your own
And you lost all your friends
You told yourself that it's not you, it's them
You're one of a kind
And no one understands
But those cry baby tears keep coming back again
Someone's turning the handle
To that faucet in your eyes
You pour it out
Where everyone can see
Your heart's too big for your body
That's why it won't fit inside
You pour it out
Where everyone can see
They call you 'cry baby, cry baby'
But you don't even care
'Cry baby, cry baby'
So you laugh through your tears
'Cry baby, cry baby'
'Cause you don't even care
Tears fall to the ground
You'll just let them drown
'Cry baby, cry baby'
You'll just let them drown
'Cry baby, cry baby'
You'll just let them drown
I look at you and I see myself
And I know you better than anyone else
And I have the same faucet in my eyes
So your tears are min
They call you 'cry baby, cry baby'
But I don't even care
'Cry baby, cry baby'
I laugh through my tears"
'Cry baby, cry baby'
'Cause I don't even care
Tears fall to the ground
I'll just let them drown
'Cry baby, cry baby'
I'll just let them drown
'Cry baby, cry baby'
You'll just let them drown
They call you 'cry baby, cry baby'
I'll just let them drown
'Cry baby, cry baby'
You'll just let them drown"

Once acoustic stopped singing, everyone clapped. Well, except the A-listers+Sam, they just were in shock. As soon as acoustic walked off stage, Innocence ran up and hugged him."That was awesome!"Innocence said. Tucker, Valerie, Spectre, knowledge, and Creativity walked up to acoustic and Innocence. "I agree"Knowledge and Creativity said in unison. They turned to each other and glared.

I still can't believe Danny can do the same thing, it's awesome"Tucker said making Valerie nod in agreement."Me either." Valerie said "Speaking of which, Tucker remind me to make him sing to us when we get out of his mind. Valerie added. Tucker nodded "That reminds me, we need to get you guys out."Spectre stated. "So Creativity needs to make the door appear." he added turning to face creativity. Creativity just nodded and walked to the wall opposite of the one with the door we came through. Then creativity closed his eyes them made a red door, that was very bright(A/N:not as bright as sadnesses door)appear. Spectre walked over to the door, motioning everyone to follow."Wait can I stay with Artsy Uncles?" Innocence asked."Only if it is ok with them" Spectre replied crouching down to innocence's level. Innocence nodded smiling. He ran over to the oldest which was creativity. Then he ran back to Spectre."Uncle Creativity said I can." Innocence said jumping up and down."Then you can stay, just be good."Spectre said standing up straight again. Innocence nodded excitedly and ran over to Creativity. Spectre smiled then turned around to face the humans."Ok let's go."Spectre said walking to the bright red door and opening it and walking in. They walked in after him.

What Acoustic's electric guitar looks like👇🏻:

What Acoustic's electric guitar looks like👇🏻:

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