Chapter 5: Execute

Start from the beginning

"Where is he then?" he questioned, defensively crossing his arms. I kept my cool, smiling all the while. I stepped towards him to assert some dominance and he flinched.

"He told me to come up here and tell you guys that he was bringing the stuff through the back door," I whispered. Then with a confident voice I said, "He's back there now, waiting with a few bags. Just please, don't shoot the messenger! Haha."

If he doesn't take the bait, I'll find another way in.

His thick brows pulled together. "Okay, I'm sure you know how to find the back door." He let me in without further questioning.

Unfortunately for this shindig, Anthony's death temporarily put a hitch in the supply of drugs being sold to irresponsible college kids. And since he was no longer a concern for me, I had to find Melody, assuming she was already here.

"You're a little old to be here, aren't you?" a dark-colored girl shouted over the music and nearby conversations. I pivoted to look at her and she handed me a shot. Her lusty, brown eyes pierced through me, but flirting was not my forte tonight—at least not with her.

I gave her a tender smile and sat the drink on the table next to me, pushing it in her direction. I could barely hear her chuckle as she wrapped her acrylic nails around the glass and slammed it back.

"Are you sure you don't want a drink?"

Her fingers began fondling her curly, black hair, provoking a sigh. I lacked the necessary patience to let her down easy, so I leaned forward, with my face next to her ear, and flat out said, "I'm not interested."

When I pulled back, her face scowled and she parted her soft, glossed lips. I was prepared to get reprimanded, but whatever she was about to say was forever silenced as she walked away. Part of me wanted to go after her, as I tend to always jump on opportunities like that, but I had a different mission in mind.

Soon enough, evening turned to night and after making my rounds to all the rooms, I still couldn't find Melody anywhere. There was the chance she wouldn't show up because of that frightening episode in her room, right? I was sure she suspected whoever was in her room was attentive to the flyer. I couldn't even think of a better excuse to give your friends when they ask why you bailed on a party.

Then I heard her.

"Hey girl! How you doin'?"

I whipped my head around to see her hugging a girl, which made her more stupid than I thought. My blood started to boil.

I can't fathom why this makes me upset. This gives me the opportunity I was looking for.

I slowly made my way through the crowd to eavesdrop on their conversation. It's amazing what girls will talk about when they think nobody is listening: weight, make-up, ex-boyfriends, and some weirdo that snuck into their house to steal their essence. God, some of the things that came out of her mouth were fucking ridiculous.

"Do you have any idea who it was?" Melody's friend tried to get her to confide in her. Perhaps if she was smart, she'd listen to her father when it mattered. Fuck.

"My dad is paranoid that it's this guy that he practically almost killed for raping my mother." Melody was straight to the point, but only half of it was true. I clenched my teeth. I can't let this get to me. I knew the only reason her parents fabricated this story was to ensure that they didn't lose her respect as not only parents, but morally sound people. Honestly, how freely she spread this information should have scared her parents, but how could they have known this would happen? There was only one place they all sat together to talk and I ascertained it never came up during dinnertime.

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