I Thought You Loved Me, pt. 18 (last chapter)

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Ashley's P.O.V

~Months later, now on Ashley and CC's wedding day~

I could feel my hands shake slightly as Andy helped me tie the black tie around my neck. I looked into the mirror at myself and let out a shaky breath, I was finally marrying my best friend today. I looked at Andy and smiled nervously.

"T-this is it. I'm finally marrying the love of my life... And our little girl is gonna be the flower girl" I smiled at Andy.

"Aw, Ash. You and CC make such a cute couple," he looked over at Brook as she walked around in her little white flower girl dress. She had been getting so big and now she can finally walk "Alright, come her by uncle Andy." He smiled.

Brook walked over and Andy handed her her little basket filled with flower petals. I looked at Brook and smiled, I then looked back into the mirror then at the door that I was supposed to walk out of to see CC.

"Dada!" Brook looked up at me.

"Yes baby?"

"Happy! Happy! No sad! Happy!" She tried jumping but couldn't so stood on her tippy toes.

"I am happy baby, I'm just nervous that's all" I smiled weakly.

"Are you ready Ashley?" Andy looked over at me.

"Y-yeah... Brook has to go out first with the petals.."

He nodded and reached his hand down by Brook, she shook her head and held her basket of petals. "Fine, Miz Sassy" He poked Brook's cheek making her giggle. Andy opened the doors and the church organ began to play. CC and I decided that we'd go to a nice church that actually has some nice sunlight.

Brook began to walk down the aisle and threw petals on the floor while Andy was walking next to her, making sure that she doesn't fall. She kept throwing petals down till she saw CC waiting, she ran to him.

"Dada!!" She hugged his legs. All of our friends and family 'awed' as Brook did so.

CC smiled and kneeled down to hug back, he lifted Brook's basket of petals for her and handed it to her. "Go over by uncle Jake baby girl" he kissed Brook's cheek and pointed to Jake. Brook held the basket then ran to Jake and giggled.

I looked at CC and began walking down the aisle, by myself, towards CC. Everyone smiled at me and took pictures as I walked downstairs, "Woo! Ashley!" My old friend Kina yelled and smiled. I smiled and finally walked up to CC and and let a tear fall as I looked at him. He wiped away the tear then held my hands tightly.

The priest smiled at the both us. "The rings?" The priest asked. Jinxx walked over with the rings and handed them to me and CC. We put the rings on each others and smiled, the priest then told us to say our vows. CC looked at me and smiled as he began to speak,

"Ashley Purdy, when I first met you I just thought you were a random person that spilled coffee on me," he chuckled slightly and so did everyone else "But once we sat down and began to talk I knew that I fell in love. And then after my sister died... Then everything went wrong and baby I'm so sorry for all of it." A tear slipped down his cheek "When you left YOU gave me the wakeup call that I needed at that time. After all those years once we met again I was so happy that you wouldnt believe. Baby, we've been through the good and bad and that's why I proposed to you. I love you so much and that's why I'm marrying you today" he smiled. Everyone clapped but I stood there and tried not to cry.

"Christian Coma... You don't realize how much you've changed my life. When I spilled that coffee on you I was having the worst day of my life till you let me sit down in that booth with you. You are the light of my life no matter what, whether we argue, yell, hurt each others feelings. I don't care, I will love you till death do us part CC. I forgive you for everything that you've done and I will love you no matter what. Our daughter has definitely brought us  even closer than before and she is definitely a great blessing in our lives. When I found her at the door step I was so scared to ask you to keep her but you let us keep that little ball of sunshine and look where we are now. I love you Christian Coma and I want to be married to you for the rest of my life" I smiled and let the tears flow.

"Aww baby" CC started to cry slightly and wiped away the tears that were flowing down my cheeks. "I love you so much" he whispered.

"I love you too baby" I whispered back and looked into his eyes.

The priest began to speak again, "Christian Coma, do you take Ashley as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

"I do" CC smiled and squeezed my hands.

"Ashley Purdy, do you take Christian Coma as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" The priest asked and looked at me.

"I do" I looked at CC and smiled.

"Now with the power invested in me, Christian Coma you may kiss the groom" he smiled.

CC pulled me close and kissed me lovingly. I kissed back and wrapped my hands around his neck, everyone clapped and cheered as we kissed. We pulled away then looked into each others eyes.

"I love you Mr. Coma" CC smiled.

"I love you too my love"

"God that feels good to say"

"I bet it does baby" I chuckled.

~At the wedding reception~

At the reception we all sang ate and danced. Brook danced on the dance floor, and by dancing I mean moving her arms back and forth quickly. I smiled as I sat down at a table and looked around. CC had been dancing with Brook but then came over by me and sat down.

"What's wrong baby?" CC asked and held my hand.

"Nothing babe" I kissed his cheek "I just dont have a lot of energy... And my wound hurts a little"

He nodded and squeezed my hand "Wanna have some fun tonight?"

I shrugged "I don't know.."

He nodded "My offer stands"

"I love you so much"

"I love you too" he intertwined our fingers.

Brook ran over but she looked very tired, "Dada" she smiled weakly.

"Hi baby" I stood up and lifted Brooklyn up.

"Tired..." She whispered.

"You tired baby?" I looked around then looked at the chairs around me. I took the jacket part of my tux off then laid Brook down on a few chairs then put the jacket over her.

CC smiled then pulled me to the dance floor. We danced together on the dancefloor which made me happy. I smiled brightly as CC danced around me, I grabbed him by his neck tie and pulled him over by me "We're gonna have some fun together baby" I whispered.

"Ooh baby" he giggled slightly.

CC grinded on me playfully but everyone saw, "Ooh there goes the wedded couple" the DJ said and laughed slightly.

Everyone laughed as CC did so, "Oh man! Oh man Ashley!" Andy laughed "Everyone cover your eyes! Its rated XXX!" Andy yelled.

I smirked the grabbed CC's tie again. He looked at me and raised an eyebrow at me "I want you to make me feel special tonight. Do things to me that you've never done before" I whispered. He smirked and kissed my cheek "I can do that" he whispered back.

I smiled and kissed him softly, he kissed back, smiling.

This was the day that I'd remember forever, the day that I got to marry my best friend. I finally get to live the happy life that I've always wanted with the man and baby girl that I've always been needing.


hEy, it be the end of this story. I knows that nobody really reads this fanfic but since this one is over you should check on my Andley fanfic 'The Special Student' its gud.

Thank you for all the support!

Love ya!



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