I Thought You Loved Me, pt. 12

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Ashley's P.O.V

CC and I both quickly woke up from the gun shot.

"Stay here with Brooklyn" I whispered very quietly to CC. He nodded as he looked at me nervously.

I went into my suitcase and grabbed my revolver. I had bought one ever since I got away from CC. I swore to only use it in situations like this.

I could hear the person with the gun walking around the bus. "Get out!" They yelled in Jake then Jinxx's bunk. He went to Andy's and did the same thing. I could hear the guys walk to the living room.

I looked at CC "I love you" I whispered

"I love you too" He whispered back as he picked up Brook and held her closely. "I called the cops... They should be here soon" He said quietly.

I nodded and held the gun out to align it with the shooters chest. I could already hear the cop sirens on there way.

The shooter then came in "Well isn't it the little fags? And oh is that a baby I see?" He snarled as he pointed the gun to Brooklyn.

My hands shook as I held the gun but once he pointed the gun to Brook I gripped the gun. I looked at him angrily. I could now hear the cop cars outside.

"Police open up!" An officer yelled.

The shooter looked at me angrily "Say bye bye to that little baby girl" He smirked.

Before he shot the gun I shot him in both kneecaps making him fall to the ground in pain. The police immediately came in, they looked at me then the shooter.

"You again" The cop growled at the shooter. The officer quickly took out their hand cuffs and cuffed the man.

"Is everything okay? Has anyone else been injured?" Another cop asked as they looked at all of us.

I nodded as I dropped the gun. I quickly took Brooklyn, who was now crying, from CC's arms. I cried hard "M-my b-baby"

"You're a life saver" CC whispered as he let a few tears fall.

"I love the both of you so much" I kissed Brook's head then CC's cheek.

The cops began to clean up some of the blood off of the ground for us. Once they were done they looked at me and CC.

"You two are a cute couple" One officer said smiling

"And your baby is adorable" The other said smiling bigger.

"T-thank you"

They nodded, "If you guys need anything just give the department a call, okay? It's a really brave thing you did today Mr. Coma"

"Oh I'm not the one who did that" CC smiled awkwardly.

"No I mean you Mr. Coma" The officer pointed to me. "I see that engagement ring" They winked before waking out of the bus.

I looked at CC and blushed slightly then all of a sudden started crying. Everything was happening so quickly. I held Brooklyn close. CC wrapped his arms around me.

The guys looked at us "W-we're all okay... You guys try and get back to sleep and Ashley... Thank you" Andy said "And I-uh... I never apologized for what happened. I sincerely apologize for me kissing CC. I don't know what was going on inside my head" He sighed.

I nodded "I forgive you Andy.." I could feel CC tighten his grip around me.

"You'll sleep with me and daddy my baby girl" I whispered as I got back into the bunk. CC laid down and pulled me close while Brooklyn was cuddled up to me in my arms.

-Hours later making it the morning-

Brooklyn cried hard making me wake up immediately. I bounced her slightly and began soothing her.

"Shh my miracle" I whispered.

CC slowly opened his eyes "Shh baby girl" He sat up and yawned then kissed Brook's head. "I'll change her, you go make her a bottle babe" He kissed my cheek as he took Brook.

I nodded and got up, groaning. My chest hurt slightly, that heart attack changed me definitely. I got a bottle and filled it with milk then heated it up. I went back to CC who had gotten done changing Brook.

I gave the bottle to him, he fed it to Brook who was now calming down. I kissed CC's cheek then sat next to him in the bunk.

"I love youuuu"

"I love you tooooo"

I smiled then heard a banging at the bus door.

"Police open up!" An officer yelled.

Andy opened the door and the cop quickly pushed past him. He came into our bunk, it was one of the cops from last night.

"Ashley Purdy you're under arrest for shooting that man last night" The officer grabbed his cuffs.

"I-it was self defense! H-h-he was about to shoot my baby!"

"Did I ask for an explanation from you?" He turned me around forcefully. I got tears in my eyes as I began having flashbacks from the night CC raped me. He was just as aggressive as CC.

"L-let go! I'm s-sorry! Don't d-do i-it!!" I sobbed as he cuffed me.

"Sir, my husband did nothing wrong! Our baby was about to get shot and all he was doing was protecting her, let alone ALL of us!" CC yelled.

The cop looked at CC "You think I give a damn about that baby? All it is is a mistake" He growled.

I gasped as I heard the cop. I turned around to face him and quickly looked at his badge number before he turned me back around.

"I-I love you my babies!" I cried as I was taken away.

"I love you too Ashley! I'll bail you out! Officer 49623 you will regret this!" CC growled the last part.

The officer rolled his eyes before shoving me in the back of the cop car. I looked out the window as I was taken to the station. Once there I was put into a little cell.

"7,000 dollars is bail out. You don't get that money and you're mine" The officer smirked.

I looked at him, he looked kinda like Brooklyn. I then gasped remembering the note that was on Brook's blanket when we found her.

"You just want my baby girl dead, don't you?"

"It's not yours unless it came from you, gay boy"

"You're the one that wants Brook dead" I growled "You're angry that she wasn't shot in the damn head"

He looked at me "Well who ever thought the little gay boy had a mind?"

I then became quiet. I need a plan to get out of here, whether it kills me or not...

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