I Thought You Loved Me, pt. 3

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Ashley's P.O.V

"CC" I moaned loudly. I could feel him suck on the love bite that he had just made.

He took off my pants leaving us both in our boxers. He straddled my waist and looked into my eyes.

"I love you" CC whispered.

"I love you t-"

I screamed as I woke up from my dream. I wiped the sweat off of my forehead then put my hand on my chest; my heart felt like it was beating out of my chest. 

I got out of bed and grabbed my clothes. I walked into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror.

"Ashley Purdy, you CANNOT trust him. Even though he's changed... You can't trust him..." I said to myself while looking in the mirror.

I can't let this happen. I can't go back to loving him. Even though I could see it in his eyes... I can't go back to him... But maybe he has changed.

I shook my head at the thought and quickly got dressed. I grabbed my bass and walked downstairs. I opened the door and froze as I saw CC there. He must've been waiting a while because he looked ready for rehearsals.

"W-what are you d-doing here?" I asked nervously.

"I-um... I-I thought maybe I could drive you to rehearsal? A-and we could maybe talk?" CC asked smiling weakly. He was playing with his hands, before all the abuse started he'd play with his hands when he was nervous.

I bit my lip "F-fine..." I shut the door and locked it then walked to CC's truck and got into the passengers seat.

CC got into the drivers seat and started up the truck. He turned on the radio, Down With The Sickness was on.

I smiled slightly. Whenever this song was on we'd turn to each and screamed along with the song. I glanced over at CC, the part was almost up.

Once it was up CC and I looked at each other and did the scream while looking into each other's eyes making me blush. I immediately looked away, out the window. I can't do this, I can't love him.

"So... How's it been Ashes?" CC asked me softly.

"It's been... Fine.." I just looked out the window.

CC sighed "Ashley, I promise you. I'm a totally different person... I'm not asking you to be my boyfriend again... I'm just asking that you please trust me... Please.."

I looked at him "Fine... But if you EVER betray me, I will quit the band and NEVER talk to you ever again..." I warned.

CC nodded and smiled slightly and turned the radio. The Reason by Hoobastank came on. CC and I agreed that when we got married that it would be our song that we'd dance to because we've been through so much.

I could hear him singing along to it. I smiled slightly and began to sing with him.

We arrived at rehearsals. We got out together and walked into the studio with each other, the guys looked at us.

"Sooo, you two together or something?" Jake asked.

"O-oh God no" I said laughing hesitantly.

"Yeah guys we're not dating sooo" CC said shrugging.

"Oh, well. We we're all thinking about going to the bar tonight" Jake said looking at me then CC.

"I'll go, I guess" I shrugged.

"Since I'm the only one who's gonna be sober then I'll go" CC sighed.

-At The Bar-

Andy, Jake and Jinxx were already looking half drunk. CC and I were standing around. I had a small glass of whiskey in my hand while CC had a bottle of water. We just talked while everything around the bar was getting slightly crazy.

"They look drunk off their asses already" CC chuckled while shaking his head.

I nodded giggling slightly but then gasped, dropping my drink as I felt someone grab me from behind. Tears immediately pricked my eyes, I tried to talk but I couldn't. I was speechless and the person kept their hand there.

"Hey baby" A man with a low voice said in my ear.

I looked at CC who had an angry face. "Get off my damn husband" CC growled at the man.

The man just looked at CC and smirked. CC shook his head and punched the man in the face, knocking him out cold.

"Don't you EVER touch him like that again" CC growled.

I cried looking at CC, I hugged him tightly and cried hard into his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and held me close.

"Come on Ashes we can go back to my place. I don't think you should be alone tonight" CC said putting his hand to my cheek, looking into my eyes.

I looked back into his and nodded. "P-please... Just protect me..." I whispered.

"Of course" He whispered back. We walked to his truck and got in. I immediately grabbed CC's hand as he drove. I needed to know that he was there even though I could see him.

We arrived at his house. We walked inside, CC sat on the couch and opened his arms for me. I sat in his lap and cuddled up to him like how we used to when we first met.

CC smiled at me then put his hand to my cheek "Ashley, you mean the whole world to me" He whispered.

I blushed slightly as I looked into his eyes. God, they were like my drug.

He moved in closer to the point where our lips were only centimeters away.

I just looked at him. I wasn't scared, I wasn't upset, I wasn't angry... I was... Happy.

All of a sudden I felt his lips press against mine and I've never felt happier...


Oof, I apologize for the long chapter. Buuuut we have a whoooole plot twist.

Will Ash kiss back or push CC away?

You shall find out next chapterrrr

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I Thought You Loved Me...Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora