I Thought You Loved Me, pt. 9

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CC's P.O.V

I woke up and kissed Ashes cheek making him wake up. I grabbed a towel.

"I'm gonna take a shower baby"

He nodded "I'll be there in a few minutes"

I nodded and went to the bathroom. I turned on the water and took off my clothes. I got into the warm shower then felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist.

I turned around but didn't see Ashley, it was Andy. He leaned in and kissed me lovingly without saying anything. I tried pulling away but couldn't. His lips were just like Ashley's. I kissed back and pulled him close, I then heard the door open...

Ashley's P.O.V

I covered my mouth as I watched CC kiss Andy.

Andy pulled away from CC then wrapped a towel around his waist and walked out like nothing happened.

I fell to the ground as I broke down. I covered my face with my hands as I sobbed.

"Y-you don't love me! Y-you u-used me!" I yelled while sobbing. I looked at the engagement ring and took if off while sobbing more. I walked out to the living room and looked at Andy. I walked up to him.

"I hope you rot in hell" I growled holding back my tears. He just smirked at me.

"He loved all of it"

Jake and Jinxx looked at me then Andy.

"You didn't" Jake looked at Andy.

"Andy you asshole! You knew they were engaged!" Jinxx yelled.

I ran back to the bathroom and looked at CC who was in a towel and sobbing.

"You're a lier! You're a cheater! I thought I could love you!" I cried harder.

"I-I'm so s-sorry Ashley! H-he wouldn't s-stop e-even i-if I tried!"

I shook my head and walked to our bunk. I put my clothes back into my suit case and moved to a different bunk on the bus. I didn't want to be anywhere near him. I went back to the bathroom.

"You just proposed too.." I grabbed the ring "We were gonna get married and adopt kids and be a little family" I let tears fall "But you fucked it up.. You fucked me up, I thought I was loved. I was just being lied to the whole time.."

All CC did was cry harder than ever. He didn't cry this hard when we went to his sisters funeral and he sure was crying.

I walked to my new bunk and laid down. I held the ring in my hand and began crying. Jake walked into my bunk.

"Ash it wasn't CC's fault, he's not the one that started this" He sighed "Andy kissed him... He should've pulled away but Andy was the one that started this"

"I-I don't care... He proposed to me just yesterday" I cried. "He's the love of my damn life and now I can't trust him... I should've just had sex with him last night then this wouldn't have happened" I sobbed.

Jake shook his head "Ashley, if you didn't want to have sex last night then that's fine. If he couldn't go one more day without sex then I don't know man. You two are so damn heart broken though... You two were such a great couple..." He sighed then walked away.

I took my pillow and screamed into it. God I hated this. I love him so much but he cheated. He betrayed me and he probably used me.

I could hear CC sobbing, in what used to be our bunk. It broke my heart but I couldn't comfort him now. I looked at the engagement ring and noticed something printed in it.

"Wherever you go, my love, I will follow"

It read. I cried even harder as I read it "Oh baby" I cried as I kept reading it. He really does love me...

I grabbed my phone and scrolled through the pictures of CC and I. So many memories... I love him so much... Jake wouldn't lie about Andy starting it right? Jinxx was really mad at Andy too...

I just need sleep... That's all I need. I turned on my side and closed my eyes. I slowly fell asleep.

"I'll love you for a thousand years" I whispered as CC and I danced.

"I'll love you for a thousand more" He whispered back and smiled. I placed my head on his chest and held CC's hand tightly.

"Daddy! Daddy!" Brooklyn giggled as she ran towards me and CC. I smiled looking at her then all of a sudden everything went blank...

"I can't do this anymore Ashley! We just don't work!" CC cried.

"I-I love you! I love you with all of my heart CC! I became, Ashley Coma because I love you so much!" I sobbed. CC looked at me then opened his arms.

"I love you too" He whispered

"I became Ashley Coma for you!" I cried in my sleep "CC I love you!"

I woke up and saw that the whole bus was dark. It meant that everyone was asleep. I got out of my bunk and walked to CC's as I wiped the tears away from my eyes.

"C-CC, CC" I sniffled.

"W-what?" He asked sounding fully awake.

"I-I need m-my c-cuddle buddy" I let a few tears fall.

He turned to face me since he back was towards me and opened his arms. I got into his bunk and cuddled up to him. I buried my head into his chest.

"Ashley, I'm sorry" He whispered.

I nodded "I-I don't know what to say... I feel so betrayed..."

"I-I know... But I p-promise that it'll never happen again if you take me back.." He said sincerely.

"I don't know" I whispered.

He nodded and sighed. I still had the ring in my hand, I read what was printed into it out loud to CC. He looked at me sadly.

"Ashley please take me back..." He whispered sadly as he held my hand and laced our fingers.

I looked at him emotionless then I got a pain in my left arm. My heart started beating faster than ever, then everything went black...

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