I Thought You Loved Me, pt. 14

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Ashley's P.O.V

"Come here Brook" I smiled weakly as I held my arms out.

Months had passed and we were now home. Brook has begun crawling all over the place and is soon to start walking. Days after I got the call about my mom CC and I went to her funeral but we had to leave shortly because I kept breaking down. I miss her everyday but at least I have CC and Brooklyn here with me.

"Dada!" Brook giggled as she quickly crawled over to me.

I picked her up and kissed her cheek. "Where's Dada?" I sang as I looked around for CC.

"In here baby" CC called from our bedroom.

I walked in our room with Brooklyn  in my arms. CC was laying on his side and didn't seem as happy as usual.

"What's wrong baby?"

"It's nothing Ash"

"Yes it is" I layed down next to CC and put Brooklyn between us.

"Do you know what day it is today Ashley?" His lip began to quiver.

"N- oh... Baby.." I sighed sadly. It was his sister's birthday today.

He nodded and started to cry. I held his hand tightly "How about I put Brook down for a nap and we'll talk about it?"

He nodded as he covered his face while crying.

"Hug Dada" I said to Brook.

She looked at CC and tried hugging him the best she could. It'll be her birthday soon and even though she'll only be one she's still so advanced.

I picked Brook up and made a bottle for her "Take a nap?"

"Nap!" She clapped her hands.

I smiled slightly and walked to her room. I put her down in her crib and gave her the bottle. I closed the curtains in her room to make it darker.

I kissed Brook's head then closed her bedroom door. I walked back to CC and pouted seeing him cry so hard. It broke my damn heart.

"Come here baby" I opened my arms for him as I sat on the bed.

He hugged me tightly and sobbed into my shoulder. I rubbed his back and laid back.

"If she were here she'd be happy to see how much we've grown my love. And how her niece is turning one years old in a few days. She's watching from the sky CC, I promise you that"

"I miss my little sister so much" He cried "Her and you were always my first priorities. She helped me c-come out of the c-closet and told me it was o-okay"

"I know baby but you know what? Even though she's gone she still goes on. I remember her everyday CC. I remember when her and I would go out to the store and start to play around with everything to the point where we'd get kicked out." I smiled sadly "She's... Amazing, and do you know where she gets that from?"

He shook his head as he tried to stop crying.

"She gets it from you. She gets her amazingness from her big brother. Even though you have flaws it just makes you greater. Same for me and same for her"

He nodded and sniffled "I love you Ashley..." He held my hand tightly.

"I love you too baby" I kissed him softly. He kissed back then rested his head on my chest.

"What are we gonna do for Brook's birthday?" He sniffled.

"I was thinking that we just have the guys come over with their wives for a small birthday party"

"That'll be nice baby" He smiled weakly.

"CC... W-what about our wedding?"

He looked at me "What do you mean?"

"We've been engaged for a few months now and I thought that maybe we'd be planning.."

"Well some people wait Ash"

"But I want to get married to you as soon as possible.."

"Same here baby but Brook's birthday is in a few days and my sister and just... Everything"


"Ashley stop. We'll get married so don't worry. Don't get your panties in a bunch" He said in almost a cold type of tone. I knew that'd he get this way after crying.

I looked away then let go of his hand. I walked out of the room and to the kitchen. I grabbed the pack of cigarettes that I kept away from CC and walked outside.

I lit a cigarette and began to smoke it. Anytime that I tried talking to him about marriage he'd just shut it down like it was nothing. I then started to cry as I smoked the cigarette.

I wasn't even done with it but I put it out anyway. I walked back inside and stormed into me and CC's room.

"W-why do you always shut it down?" I cried.

"Shut what down?"

"Marriage. You shut it down like it's nothing and I fuckin hate it!"

"Stop yelling Ash. You're just upset."

I just looked at him "Fuck yes I'm upset Christian! You always shut our marriage talk down!"

"Well I'm sorry that I don't want the burden of planning a wedding on me right now!"

"Burden? You think that planning our wedding would be a BURDEN"

"Yes a burden Ash! A burden!"

"Why did you propose to me?"

"What do you mean?"

"Why did you propose to me CC?"

"I proposed to you because I love you Ashley"

"What do you love about me? There's nothing to love"

"Yes there is Ashley. You're just too blind to seen it"

"Tell me!"

"Ashley stop it! If you can't take that I don't want to plan the wedding then just give me the ring back. You know what let me just do it" He grabbed my wrist and took the engagement ring off my finger.

I gasped and looked at him, my eyes full of hurt.

"We won't date either. Let's just not be friends either. You can stay here till Brook's birthday then you can go" He said coldly.

"F-fine, but I will be visiting here to see OUR daughter" I sobbed.

He nodded "We were never meant to be Ashley" He shook his head and sat on the bed.

I sobbed as I walked to the guest bedroom and layed down. This was apparently the end of me and the love of my life...

I Thought You Loved Me...Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum