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"What is she doing here?"

              "She is the one whose white blood cells pattern matches Zayn's." Trisha pauses, before looking at me with worry "You okay?"

          "Of course I am." I force out, but my words sound hollow even to me.

                    I look at Zayn, sitting a few feet away; far enough not to hear anything, but close enough to see my reaction. And that is what he is doing — scrutinizing my every move.

                I suddenly suck in a breath and look at Trisha, defeated. "I am a burden, ain't I?" I bite my lower lip, trying to stop the sobs from erupting "Ever since I found out about Zayn's cancer, I have been acting as an immature brat. I am not handling it as an adult. Like I should."

     "Oh, honey..." Trisha hugs me, patting my back soothingly. She has grown like a second mother to me, and I lean into her touch, sighing in content.

               After a few moments, she pulls away and makes me sit down. She shakes her head at Zayn in a way that says she will handle it, and that he should not butt in.

      "Harry, hon, you are hurting as much as anyone else here. You can't blame yourseld for being scared and not knowing what to do. You are not an adult, Hazza boo. You are not expected to act like one."

        "And, sweetie, you are not acting immaturely. Perrie had been so close to Zayn, and she is so crazy about him. It is okay to feel insecure. In fact, anyone would have."

            "Really? You are not just saying that, are you?" I ask, and then, I grin "Even if you are, don't say so. Your words made me feel a lot better."

                Trisha chuckles, "I like you. I hope Zayn always keeps you around."

         I blush.

fighting the stars aboveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon