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I push the now empty plate of pancakes and sausages in front of me for Grant to take. I watch as he walks over to the sink to clean the plate off, when I tell you his back muscles are everything they really are. Getting caught staring once again making me blush and walk out of the kitchen.

I don't even know where I was walking now but I find myself sitting on the couch trying to turn the tv on. Grant takes the remote out of my hand and sits on the other side. He turns it on and family guy plays from the other end.

"Do you know why you're here Grayson?" He asks me in a deep morning voice, sexy enough to have every girl drooling over him. I wouldn't be surprised if he had like two girlfriends and like twenty side chicks. Ignoring those thoughts I softly shook my head.

He pat the spot next to him ordering me to sit next to him. "Yesterday we were at a gay bar" he started, that's right. He has to be gay, "and while I was talking to you you had a shocked expression on your face and ran away from me. I figured you were in the bathroom so when I went in you were sat down crying, well let's get onto the important part. Some guy came in and said your name so I'm guessing you knew him specially since you were whimpering his name. He tried to take you away and go back home with him but I ran with you in my arms all the way back to my car, and now you're here." I tried to comprehend all that he just said.

"I just wanted to make sure you're safe, you can leave at anytime of the day, week, month, or even year as you want. It's just me living here and I wouldn't mind a little company."

I don't know what came through my mind at the moment while saying this but no going back. "J-Jack." I looked back at him and he nodded. "I live with him, no I'm forced to live with him and I don't want to. We used to be boyfriends and I would stay at his house every night and you know." A blush crawls up my face for like the hundredth time. "Not until he turned completely psycho on me. He held me captive and would rape and abuse me just about everyday.

I feel tears daring to fall as they sat at the bridge of my waterline. "Th-thank youu" that's where I completely break down into a fit of sobs. He motioned me over to his lap and held me just like I've always wanted to been held.

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