19 | screw fear

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chapter nineteen
"we are the warriors that built this town."

"Shut the gate! Shut the gate!"

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"Shut the gate! Shut the gate!"

The frantic delinquents were in an uproar as they ran into camp. As soon as everyone was safe behind the walls again, Bellamy instantly climbed up to the Gunner's post, watching for the attack.

But nothing came.

Clarke climbed the wall to join him, but neither of them spotted anything.

"Where are they?" Bellamy asked, "Why aren't they attacking?"

"Because we're doing exactly what they wanted us to do." Clarke said, defeat radiating off of her.

"What are you talking about?"

Clarke spun around and looked down towards Finn, "Lincoln said the scouts would be the first to arrive."

"If it's just scouts, we can fight our way out." Octavia said with confidence, "That's what Lincoln would do."

"We're done doing what that Grounder would do." Bellamy said, jumping down to the ground with the rest of the group, "We tried it and now Drew is dead. You want to be next?"

Finn challenged Bellamy, "That Grounder saved our lives. I agree with Octavia. For all we know, there's one scout out there."

Jasper butted in, but didn't look at them, eyes still wearily watching out for an attack, "One scout with insanely good aim."

"Clarke, we can still do this." Octavia told her, eyes pleading.

"Looking to you, princess." Bellamy shrugged, "What's it gonna be? Run and get picked off out in the open, or stand and fight back?"

There was an anticipatory silence that fell over the group as they waited for Clarke's response. She turned towards the forest and then back to the group, jumping to the ground.

Finn turned to her, "Clarke. If we're still here when Tristan gets here—"

"Lincoln said 'scouts'. More than one. He said, 'get home before the scouts arrive'." Clarke pointed out, "Finn, they're already here."

There was more silence as Clarke internally debated with herself.

Evelynn adjusted her grip on her rifle, clicked on the safety, and swung it over her back. She stepped inside the circle, turning the attention to her.

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