12 | i'm with you

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chapter twelve
"you've got me right in the palm of your hand."


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"Lynn. I have a question."

"A very, very serious question."

Evelynn clenched her teeth in pain as she secured her fresh bandaging. She then tilted her head upward to face a very frantic Monty who had suddenly burst into her tent, "I'm listening."

"Do you think stars have feelings?" He blurted.

Evelynn blinked blankly at him for a few seconds soaking in his very, very serious question.

"Monty, I think I just lost 3 brain cells."

"Don't laugh at me." He pouted, very real tears threatening to spill, "They spoke to me."

Evelynn raised her hands in surrender, "I would never laugh at you."

She paused and let a smile form on her face. He was stoned. Of course Monty Green would find the plant to get high off of on Earth.

"What did the stars say to you, Monty?" She faked sincerity, fighting a giggle, while patting a spot next to her on her bed.

Monty graciously took a seat and began to twiddle his fingers, "Well they're jealous, you see. Because even in the day we can see some of the moon. You know, like a little. But we can't see the stars at all. They're jealous, Lynn."

Evelynn nearly broke into a fit of laughter at the pure sincerity Monty spoke with and the absolute concern he had for the stars.

But he wasn't done, "They want something. They gave me a mission, Lynn. They want me to change the tide. The stars have always wanted to change the tide, but it's the moon's job."

Evelynn nodded, as if understanding the star's dilemma. "I just have to get the moon to cooperate. Then I can change the tide for the stars."

Evelynn jumped up from her seat and grabbed Monty's arms and pulled him up too, "Then what are you waiting for? You go out there and you change the tide!"

Monty nodded slowly and his nod began to grow stronger and quicker, a look of determination forming on his face. Without another word he ran out of her tent to change the tide.

Evelynn ran a hand through her hair after he left with a giggle, "Oh, Monty."

She shrugged on Bellamy's jacket and left her tent to find the all of the delinquents stumbling about and talking nonsense.

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