15 | i need you

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chapter fifteen
"i found what i never went looking for."

Evelynn woke up to the same heavy, disease stricken air she fell asleep to, erratic coughs echoing through the drop ship

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Evelynn woke up to the same heavy, disease stricken air she fell asleep to, erratic coughs echoing through the drop ship. She blinked quickly to clear the blur from her eyes until the ceiling of the dropship came into focus.

After taking a deep breath and coughing a few spurts of blood from her sore throat, Evelynn carefully sat up to examine her surroundings. The ship seemed calmer than before, sick bodies peaceful laying in sleep, but less people than before.

Evelynn's eyes locked on a familiar figure resting from the other side of the room. She knew it was Bellamy when she saw his face as he sat up and began to cough up blood, his breathing labored and heavy. He was really struggling.

Heart aching, she jumped to her feet, her legs trying hard to give out on her as she stumbled over to the canteen. She poured a cup of water as carefully as her shaking hands would permit, then made her way over to Bellamy who was laying down again, but still trying to catch his breath, taking in large gulps of dry air.

When she sat at his side on his cot she placed a hand on his chest which caused him to stir, "I told you—famous last words."

Despite his obvious anguish and pain he sputtered out a chuckle. Evelynn tried to smile back, but it faltered.

He looked so miserable. His skin was paled greatly which only emphasized the dark circles and purple veins that appeared under his drooping eyelids, plus the many traces of blood under his nose and around his mouth.

And it was her fault that he got sick.

"How are you feeling?" Bellamy asked quietly, his voice hoarse. Evelynn's heart squeezed painfully. He was in the worst condition she had ever seen him and he was worried about her.

"Can you sit up?" She asked, ignoring his question, "I brought you some water, you need to stay hydrated."

Bellamy propped himself up to his elbows, looking at her seriously, "You need to stay hydrated."

Evelynn rolled her eyes at him, to which he raised his eyebrows expectingly. Seeing that he wasn't going to budge, she brought the cup of water to her lips and took a small sip, "Happy?"

Bellamy nodded and let her hand him the cup. After taking a drink, he set the cup down next to his cot and let himself lay back down, unable to hold himself up any longer.

Evelynn moved her hand to his forehead to check his fever, pushing a few dark curls away that tickled her skin. She pushed her fingers through his hair, feeling the curls twirl through her hand. He was there for her so she'd be there for him.

His hand raised and pushed a piece of hair behind her ear. She tilted her head at him in confusion. He shook his head at her, a look of unbelief crossing his face, "You're bleeding. You're still sick."

𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞 ☆ bellamy blake ¹Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora