It was only 30 minutes after school was supposed to be let out, did Happy realize he should have picked Peter up. In his defense, a decathlon meeting was scheduled for that day, but got postponed, and he didn't remember to fix his schedule.

    So, with a scowl on his face, and curses being muttered under his breath, he quickly walked out to the garage and shuffled into his car. He would be lying if he said he didn't speed, possibly because he felt bad for being late to pick Peter up, but he would never admit to anything.

    He pulled into the school parking lot, in a manner that a Nascar driver would be jealous of. (Sorry to interrupt your nice and spicy reading mood right here. But I had to resist the urge to write, "He skrrrted into the school parking lot." But, I didn't think you guys would be proud of me for that. So, be thankful for my self control.)

   When he pulled in, it only took a few seconds for his brain to process what his eyes were seeing. At first, he couldn't believe it. But once his brain did process it, his demeanor changed. He slammed on his brakes, put the car in park, and was out of his car faster than you can say, "Avengers Assemble."

    He tore the boys off Peter quicker than Clint could fire an arrow. As soon as the bullies realized what had happened, they backed away and ran to their cars, hoping what they had just done wasn't reported to the school.

   Happy immediately helped Peter to his feet, and assessed his injuries. The superhero had a bloody nose and a split lip, but that was only what could be seen.

  "Come on," Happy said with a surprising tone of worry. He picked up Peter's bag and helped him to the car. Forcing him to sit in the passenger seat, which was an odd occurrence.

   The ride to the Avengers Tower was filled with Happy often looking over at Peter with a worry filled gaze, and Peter avoiding any and all eye contact.

   When they arrived at their destination Peter quickly got out of the vehicle, "Well, uh, thanks for the ride," he paused as he wiped at his nose with a few tissues he found in his bag, "See you tomorrow then."

   The only response Peter got was a quick, but firm, "No." Happy  got out of the car and led a worried Peter into the tower.

  "Hey, Pete! You're home late!" He heard Clint shout from the kitchen.

   Peter eyed the stairs which led to his room and debated making a run for it. But Happy soon caught on to his thoughts and blocked his path.

  Clint, once he received no answer, walked to the entrance to see what was wrong. He froze when he saw the state Peter was in. Before he could decide on something to say, Natasha walked in to greet Peter.

   "Peter? Who did that?" She asked with malice in her voice once she realized what the issue was.

   "Oh, I, well, you know......stairs." Peter said awkwardly, once again avoiding eye contact.

    He heard Happy let out a scoff, "Friday, can you get Tony and Steve down here?"

    "Of course, sir. They should only be a moment."

     True to the AI's word, it took less than a minute for both of the Avengers to arrive in the room.

    "What. The. Hell?" Tony asked once he saw Peter.

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