I stopped reading after that and handed Harry his phone back. "They're such dickheads." I told him. He only nodded and slid his phone into his back pocket. It was only then I noticed he was fully dressed and I scanned his outfit. "Where are you going?" I asked him.

"Nowhere, why?" He asks innocently.

"Why are you dressed then? Shoes too.."

"I might see Aria." He admitted. I nodded slowly, of course I loved that they could find comfort in one another but this was the second week in a row that they have been meeting up, every day.

"Stop." He pushed. I stumbled, confused by what he meant.

"Nothing is going on, I know your head." He accused. His finger pointed at me and I scoffed, pushing it away from me.

"No actually," I told him. "I just would like to spend some time with you, I'm glad you two can talk." I assured him. He licked over his lip and stuffed his hand into his pockets, examining me, trying to find any lies in my words but there were none.

"We spent time together last night and this morning, and I'll be back soon, okay?" He asked me. I sighed and nodded, heading to the bedroom but he followed me there. "Maelynn?"

"Harry?" I replied, raising a brow.

"What's wrong.." His voice was slow and he watched me over as I sat down to put on clean clothes.

I shook my head, "I don't know." I laughed in disbelief. "I actually don't know Harry." I told him truthfully. He leaned against the doorframe as I buttoned my jeans and pulled a vest top onto me.

"Well maybe tell me how you feel?" He pushed.

I breathed in sharply while brushing my hair in the mirror and I stared at my reflection. "I just feel empty." I looked over at him, "I feel lonely and empty, and I feel unwanted by you." I admitted.

He seemed shocked, and I'm not sure why because it's not like he's really been around me that much to protest my feelings.

He was about to defend himself but I shushed him. "And that's what's wrong. I know you want me, and I know you feel empty too. I know that spending time with Aria helps you heal and I want you to feel better. And that's why I'm conflicting with myself and that's exactly why, Harry, I don't know what's wrong." I finished. I put the brush down on the locker and I folded my arms as we stared each other down.

He shook his head and I watched his dark brown locks sway as he made his way over to me with a faint smile. "How can I fix it?" He asked sweetly.

I shrugged. I didn't know how he could, I don't think he could. That was until he smiled at me devilishly and took ahold of my face in his hands. "I love you." He pressed, I nodded.

"Harry?" I asked. He hummed and I looked down at the space between us, my breath hitching as he closed the space. "Is this okay?" I asked him.

It felt brand new. We felt too guilty to enjoy each other or even feel any happiness. But I guess Gemma's words imprinted onto us both; life goes on. It doesn't mean that we can't hurt or feel sad, or keep his memory alive, but it also didn't mean that we had to sacrifice our lives to one full of darkness and gloom.

"Of course it is," He furrowed his brows and I took in his handsome face.

In them moments, we forgot all life around us and we lost ourselves in each other. He needily undressed my upper body and I worked on his jeans, feeling his bulge already which motivates me to go faster.

Lying on the bed undressed, I felt nervous as though it was my first time again and I could sense he felt the opposite. He thrust into me as if we were picking up where we left off.

I'm sure my fingernails left numerous marks along his arms and back and each time he groaned I couldn't tell if it was from pain or pleasure but honestly, same. I don't think he's ever gone this hard ever, and I yelped as he hit a spot he's never hit before. A wave of unbelievable pleasure wiped me out and I fell silent, my mouth gaping and gasping for air as he speedily finished off. I unclenched the sheets from my fists as I came down from the high and took a deep breath, or two..

He fell onto my chest breathlessly, placing sweet kisses around my neck and jawline. I ran my fingers through his sweaty hair and wrapped my legs around his waist. I could feel him press against my entrance again and I squinted down at him, "Alright cowboy, I'd like to leave in one piece." I chuckled. He sheepishly smiled and placed one final kiss between my breasts.

"You're so gorgeous," he breathed out, his eyes trailing up and down my body and face. I waved him off and went to pull the sheets over me. My face burned and my stomach turned into knots while he admired me. He pulled the sheets back again and leaned on one elbow,"You always hide yourself." He protested. "I want to see you,"

"Harry-" I attempted to do the same but he shushed me and pressed his lips to mine. I didn't enjoy his eyes examine the stretch marks along my hips and stomach and I actually felt extremely embarrassed as his stare lingered onto them.

My hand went to my stomach automatically, out of habit, and he laughed. "I knew you'd do that."

I flipped him off and he laughed while sitting up beside me. "I think they're hot." He winked. I was relieved, but still felt extremely vulnerable right now.

"Never hide them, your body created my daughter and for that alone I think they're beautiful- plus, you already know I think you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen." He cheekily added me.

I didn't really know what to say. It's been awhile since this side to him showed and usually I replied with a joke but he had literally left me speechless. We sat in comfortable silence as the tv played in the background and I played with his fingers and the rings that dressed them, then admiring my own engagement ring, wondering truly if it would be replaced by a wedding ring.

Harry looked to it too and then looked away. He looked lost in thought and bit down on his lip. I'd kill to know what went through his head sometimes, his thoughts and his secrets, everything.

better now > sequel to neighbours. [HS]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora