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I didn't get to sleep a wink last night. But Harry however, I'd say he got the best nights sleep he's ever gotten.

Liam decided Harry and I should share a bed to make room for more guests, which I didn't mind too much. But Harry likes to snore a lot and my brain thought it was a good idea to evaluate my entire life at six in the morning.

By ten, I deemed the night un-sleepable and texted my parent for an update on Ana. Her and Noah were being taken to the movies and then McDonalds with my mum and Anne. They weren't going until four though so I had time to recover before going back.

By eleven, I could smell breakfast being made and as I was about to finally get up and indulge, I decided to wake up Harry.

"Psst," I whispered, poking his ribs. His hair was crazy, sprawled out over the white pillows and his tanned skin contrasted deeply against the white duvet he decided to steal from me.

He hadn't stirred after my wake up call so I shoved my elbow into his side and made sure to make a lot of noise until his eyes shot open.

"Breakfast." I simply told him.

"Fuck, my head." He groaned. His morning voice was always great but I was mad at him for last night. He had me feeling all worked up and jealous for nothing- and I still felt that way. I was very frustrated.

He rolled over and curled up, holding his stomach. "My stomach." He whined.

"Woman up, you'll be fine." I scoffed. I pulled one of Dani's sweaters over me that she gave me last night and stood up from the bed. I caught my reflection in the mirror at the dressing table and flinched. I was looking a hot mess.

"Wow," I sighed, pulling at the bags under my eyes. "I look brutal."

I could see Harry's reflection in the mirror get up and like the pussy he is, he decided to tap out and skip breakfast.

"Ok." I blankly told him. I threw my hair up into a ponytail and sat on the bed again to put on socks. I feel like walking barefoot in someone's house is very intimate...I don't know why.

"Why are you so pissy?" Harry asked. He pushed himself up to sit and I turned with my back facing him. My knee rested against my chest as I put my socks on and I stifled a laugh.

"You annoyed me last night." I truthfully admitted. Wasn't gonna beat around the bush here.

"What did I do?" He asked defensively. I turned to face him, my eyes falling to his bare - toned chest doused in the tattoos that I knew too well before they bounced back up to his face. His brows were knitted together and his lips, slightly dry from all the alcohol were agape.

"You tried to have a drunk one night stand." I snickered. "And when I stopped it, you asked me to fuck you instead."

"Wait, really?" He smirked. I could only roll my eyes and turn my back on him again.

"Why'd you say no?" He dares to ask.

"Are you serious?" I yelled, but then remembered I was in someone else's house. My jaw clenched and I gripped the sheets in my hand. "Harry you can't just ask me to sleep with you out of nowhere, then tell me you were joking and ask for another girl instead. Shit hurts and it's confusing."

I felt the mattress lift and soon enough he was around my side standing in front of me. Looking confused as ever, he folded his arms.

"Why hurt? Wait, did you want to?"

I remained quiet and tied my shoe laces in the silence until I heard a clap and a deep sigh. "You did!"

My head snapped up, about to object but he kept talking.

"You were going to until I said I was joking. I remember parts of it, aw- Maelynn." He cooed. Cooed. What am I? A child?

I again, for the tenth time, rolled my eyes and pushed passed him to the door. As soon as I opened it it was slammed shut by his hand. His arm reached over my head and kept it shut while he stood tall over me.

"What are you doing." I simply asked. I was a good mix of angry and embarrassed, he thinks I wanted to have sex with him last night. I don't know why I wasn't denying it though. Which was why it was all confusing.

"My offer can still be on the table," he lowly mumbled. His chest pressed against mine and again, my cheeks heated up and I began to feel flustered. "This is too confusing for me." I admitted, pushing him back a little.

"Why?"  He stood closer again, dismissing my attempt to separate us.

"Because you're acting like we're a couple one minute and the next you're like any best friend. I'm getting mixed signals and mixed feelings." I spat out.

"Okay," Harry breathed in and then let his hand fall from the door above my head to my waist. What was this guy up to. "How do you feel right now?" He asked.

I stared into his intense eyes. I swear he was the hardest person to hold eye contact with, he held nothing but intimacy and passion in his eyes and it's something I will always be intimated by.

But this look was so different. It was kind and loving, almost as if he was in a trance. Maybe I was too because he began to wave his hand in front of me. "Earth to Mae."

"I don't know how I feel." I told him. Which was the truth. It either felt really good or really wrong but I couldn't pick one.

Without even a second of a pause, he kissed me.

His warm - but nasty ass dry lips, worked against mine and I wasn't stopping him. His hands knew where all the right places were to touch and the waves of pleasure I was feeling from head to toe reassured me that it felt really good, and so natural. Natural was the perfect way to describe this.

His fingers pressed into my skin and it felt like my body was on fire from his lingering touch. His tongue was gentle and not rough like how it used to be, he's gotten a lot better at kissing. My own hands were still at my side until they naturally found their way to his hair.

If I had to describe the scene to someone, I couldn't. We were acting so desperate for each other and in fact it was Harry who seemed to cling on to me like I was some sort of need in his life.

What felt like hours were only minutes and I was left staring at him dumbfound and feeling very embarrassed. He proudly looked down at me, our lips only separated by an inch as he spoke.

"What about now?" He breathed out. My heavy breathing wouldn't allow me to answer right away, so it took a few seconds to think of how to string a sentence together.

"It felt," I searched for words in my head to try explain my exact emotion but I couldn't. I think Harry understood and instead answered for me.

"If you're feeling the same way as me, then I can say that what happened there was definitely not a bad thing." He smiled.

"No. It wasn't," I found myself smiling back at him. I couldn't help the mushy cheesy feeling inside but I mean, overall, I couldn't really believe that just happened.

His soft fingertips grazed my face and he tucked the hair from my ponytail behind my back. "You mean a lot to me." He admitted.

I wanted to melt into the bloody floor in all honesty. He's never told me that, even when we were together. Maybe he's said it in different ways but to hear it from his mouth directly made my chest tighten.

"This is weird." I admitted.

He shook his head a little. "I think it's amazing."

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