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As we walked into Harry's office, I concentrated on holding up the cake we made him up and as soon as we walked through his office doors, bursting into a chorus of 'Happy Birthday' I made it a life mission to not drop it.

I had to take credit for the sweet birthday message I scrolled across the chocolate dessert, but Harry didn't need to know that.

He awkwardly waited for us to stop singing before he could blow the candles, and once they blew, he read the message with a grin. "Lovely," he noted.

Placing a sweet kiss to my cheek was unexpected and a few staff eyed me up curiously after it but I just shrugged as everyone took the piss out of him for being old.

"Alright fuckers out of my office." Was all he said to them after an awkward silence.

Once everyone left Harry called me back and I stifled a laugh as he repeated the words on the cake. "Your creative input I'm guessing?" He asked.

My eyes trailed his body, everything just looking so inviting about him. His classic black suit hugged his body perfectly. I sat on his office chair and scooped some icing on my finger, "Of course." I told him. I ate the icing and let my eyes trail to his computer.

His diary was open, but today's plans were empty. I thought it was cute he left his birthday empty seeing as he was usually so busy.

"You're free all day?" I asked him. He began to shrug on his coat and he looked to his watch. "Yes, and I'm actually leaving now." He said smugly.

"Oh cool, I'll get my bag and we can get the kids." I said, walking over towards the door with a grin until he extended an arm to stop me.

"Your shift is over at five, is it not?" He smirked. I rolled my eyes.

"Yes, Harry. But I figured since it's your birthday-"

"Got something planned?" He asked.

I shook my head no.

"Mhm, So then stay till five. I'll get the kids from school and take them to dinner or something." He shrugged. He got his car keys and I watched him walk out. Unfazed, I followed him out and pulled out my phone to text my mum.

He's onto us.   I sent to her.

"I know you're there," He said, without even turning. I just ignored him and walked up by his side as I texted a few people.

"Harry I'm coming with you," I told him. He didn't say anything after until we got down to the lobby and out to his car. I climbed into the passenger side and he got into the drivers.

He was being so bitchy, but maybe it was just because he was onto me. I was bad at surprises.

"Why are you so quiet?" I asked him.

"I was up all night. I'm tired." He shrugged, speeding off towards his house. I don't think I've been back to my apartment with Ana in about three days. Which was bad because she was getting very comfortable with the idea of Harry and us living together.

Space was good, but when you had Harry to run to at the end of the night and cuddle with in bed, finding a good balance of space and spending time together was hard.

"I had a great sleep last night." I told him.

"Yeah, no shit. I think I have bruises on my legs from you kicking me in your sleep." He scoffed.

I was a bitch for kicking and snoring in my sleep. But hey, he knew this, so he can deal with it.

"I'm sleeping at the apartment tonight so you'll be safe." I snickered.

better now > sequel to neighbours. [HS]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora