twenty four

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Aria sat across from Harry and I at the table as I awkwardly attempted to slide on my fake ring under the table after Harry passed it to me. She stirred the tea in her cup painfully slow and kept her eyes glued to Harry. He rested his hand on the back of my chair as I gulped down my anxiety pills with water in secret.

I didn't even know why I was so scared. Maybe it was the fact I almost told Harry the big secret or Aria was sitting here in the hotel room sporting a rather large baby bump.

"I'm telling you for the last time. It's not mine." Harry sighed out. He clenched his jaw tightly as he pinched the bridge of his nose.  I squeezed his hand to try calm him.

He whisked his hand away and stood up abruptly, pointing to her bump. "I haven't slept with you in like ten months!" He yelled.

I tilted my head back. "Sorry, What?" I asked him.

"You were fucking her this whole time?" I asked him. His eyes widened slightly and Aria laughed obnoxiously loud.

"What did you think we were doing? Having play dates?" She snickered. My mouth fell open and I stared at Harry hard. I had no right to be mad, it's not like we were together the past two years.

"Mae I will talk to you later about that." He told me. I nodded and turned my harsh stare back to aria.

"Who's is it?" I asked her.

"Look- let me cut the shit." She cut Harry's ranting off.

"I don't know who the father is. But I need money."

We stared at her and then each other. This woman was fucking crazy. Harry laughed maniacally and I was slightly creeped out and very glad Annabel was now asleep in bed.

"You came here for money? Aria, I give you six grand a month. How could you possibly need more money from me?" He painfully asked.

Wow, six grand? Damn, maybe I should tell Harry I'm his baby mama too.

"For Noah! Now I have another kid. I'm going to be an ugly single mother, Harry please!" She begged.

Harry shook his head. "No way. I give you so much already- you live in my house, you have my son, you have half of my savings. No, Aria." He protested.

I stood up with him and pointed to the door. "Get out,"

She looked me up and down. "Who are you to speak to me like that?" She scoffed. "First you steal my husband now you're stealing my money. How dare yo-"

"Get out!" I screamed. I screwed my eyes shut and my breathing became heavy through the silence. I was scared to open my eyes, I knew they were probably looking at me like I was batshit crazy but I couldn't take this stuff anymore. My life was like a sitcom, except there never seemed to be a happy ending in my episodes and I had had enough of it.

"He'll give you what he can just get out, my daughter is in bed and I don't need your boyfriend stealing ass in my space right now." I spat.

Harry tried to calm me but I slapped his hand away. He did this to me.

"I'm the boyfriend stealer? Are you serious?" She asked me. "You're engaged to my husband."

"Fake engaged." I told her. I slid off the ring and snapped the plastic in half, Harry gaping at me. "You drove him so crazy to the point he had to pretend to be taken." I told her. She sucked in her lower lip and watched the broken ring fall to the floor.

"And he's your ex husband." I finished.

"Aria I think you should just leave." Harry finally spoke up.

"Fine." She scowled. "Enjoy your skank, Harry." She cried out, wobbling out of the hotel room. She slammed the door after herself and I gave the door the finger, aiming for her.

"I'm gonna check on Ana." Harry quietly mumbled.

My head was thumping with a headache and I gulped down a glass of water as I clutched the counter. My knuckles were turning white as I inhaled, what was happening.

No seriously, what was happening right now?

I released my tight grip on the counter when I heard Harry's voice. It was like a demon possessed my body and I turned to face him.

"She's still asleep, I don-"

I cut him off by grabbing his shirt and pressing my lips to his harshly. There was no reaction from him or I. We just kept our lips firmly together for a few seconds. I was actually about to pull away and start yelling at him for making me sexually confused but he began to move his lips and sighed against my own.

I couldn't move mine with him, I was frozen. Was this actually happening or was this another horny dream about him?

I tried to resist for as long as I could but god, his lips felt so good on mine again. I gave in and kissed him back.

His hands cupped the sides of my face and mine lay lifeless against my sides. My body couldn't react quick enough.

He eventually pulled away and we were left staring at one another quite breathless. I stared into his darkened eyes and felt the seconds go by like hours as he blinked down at me speechless. My heart thumped against my chest like a ticking time bomb the longer he stayed silent and i felt so stupid but so satisfied. None of us spoke, until I had to break the silence.

"I missed you so much." I croaked out.

better now > sequel to neighbours. [HS]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang